I need to find the name of DTS which has a SP into a sql task????

  • I need to find the name of DTS which a determinated SP is inside of a task.

    for example    search  SP_Ineedtofindyou ......

    task 1 of   DTS  DTS_Igotit   has this SP....


    some friends have some VBScript or something to do that?

    Thank you a lot of ..............



  • You can use sp_OAGetProperty on the DTS object.  You can use the Visual Studio object browser to get the list of object properties exposed.

    Use sp_OACreate to create a DTS package object, then sp_OAMethod to retrieve it.  After that, you can use sp_OAGetProperty until you find what you need.

  • Interesting, friend can you give me an example?

    the Visual Studio Object Browser is a Api of sqlserver? or i must to download of Microsoft???

    thanks friend

  • Here is a sample script to get all the connections and data sources from a DTS package.  You can also declare a cursor on msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages to get the names of all the packages on a server.

    create table #temp1


    id int,

    property varchar(255),

    connectiontype varchar(255),

    datasource varchar(255)


    DECLARE @DTSPackageObject INT

    DECLARE @Result INT

    DECLARE @DataSource VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @Property VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @Looper INT

    DECLARE @ConnectionType VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @Connections int

    DECLARE @SQLInstance VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @PackageID INT

    DECLARE @PackageName VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @IsEncrypted BIT

    DECLARE @Password VARCHAR(255)

    set @packagename = 'MyDTSPackageName'

    set @Looper = 1

    EXEC @Result = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @DTSPackageObject OUTPUT

    EXEC @Result = sp_OAMethod 16711422, 'LoadFromSQLServer', NULL, 'MySQLInstance', null, null, 256, null, null, null, @PackageName

    IF @Result = 0 -- Got Package Successfully


     EXEC @Result = sp_OAGetProperty @DTSPackageObject, 'Connections.Count', @Connections OUT

     WHILE @Looper <= @Connections


       SELECT @Property = 'Connections(' + CAST(@Looper AS VARCHAR) + ').ProviderID'

      EXEC @Result = sp_OAGetProperty @DTSPackageObject, @Property, @ConnectionType OUT

      SELECT @Property = 'Connections(' + CAST(@Looper AS VARCHAR) + ').DataSource'

      EXEC @Result = sp_OAGetProperty @DTSPackageObject, @Property, @DataSource OUT

        insert into #temp1

          (id, property, connectiontype, datasource)

        select @Looper, @property, @connectiontype, @datasource

      SELECT @Looper = @Looper + 1



    select * from #temp1

    drop table #temp1

    Look in BOL for further explanations of all the parameters for the sp_OAxxx calls.

    Visual Studio is the IDE for VB or VC++.

  • Thanks another friend posted a VBscript too, thanks in deep, you have helped to me a lot of

  • Did someone get this working on SQL2005 for SSIS packages?

    Is there any way to load and run a SSIS from a stored procedure?

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