I have a question about duties of a DBA vs. Network Admin..

  • We have a third party software package that uses Oracle and requires table spaces to be checked monthly and a verification script to be run against the db monthly to check data and the structure.  (the software developer provides the script)

    My boss has assigned these duties to the Network Admin saying that I (the DBA) should only be involved in it if there are problems.  No reason why, just that it is that way.

    I say that *I* should be doing it because how the heck is the Network Admin going to know if there are problems?

    What opinions do you have?

  • Short of spending a lot of time documenting use cases for your stats or training up you network admin I can't see any easy solution here.

    I think it is a good idea to think about use case scenarios just so you always have a check list for when things go wrong. As your business expands and you take on a junior DBA then you will have effectively produced handover/training documentation for them.

  • We've offloaded some server monitoring and print management responsibilities to a couple of network engineers (with OJT) because they're workload has been light and ours has been pretty heavy. Perhaps your boss is trying to even out some of the workload. Also, the network admin may have indicated a desire to do career development towards the database direction. Both of those seem likely scenarios as to why your boss may have made the decision that was made. Typically I'd agree with you, though. Let the DBA tasks fall to the DBA. If someone wants to expand their skillset, have them train under a current DBA.

    K. Brian Kelley

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