Hyperthreading with SS 2000 & SP3 (up)

  • According to MS, Windows Server 2003 is hyperthread technology (HTT) aware (2000 is not) and SQL Server 2000 at SP3 and beyond should run just fine with HTT turned on.  There are still lots of Google hits that say you should not use HTT and SQL Server; but they aren't necessarily dated articles, and do not mention service pack levels.  The advice in the past has always been to disable it.

    We currently have at least 16 machines running SQL Server 2000 and since HTT is turned on by default, it is on.  If this is not the proper direction then I need to make a case for the adjustment - and I can't do that yet.

    So, how about it?  What is the current status?  And if "off" is the recommendation, why?

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • Hi, my experience varies.

    We have some systems where a substantial amount of the application code (DCOM objects) runs on the database server itself and in intial testing appear to peform slightly better with HTT enabled (though we are planning on testing further later this year).

    We have another system that is a pure server, that was fully tested and produced better transactional throughput with HTT disabled.

    One recommendation I came upon (sorry can't find the reference) is to only allow query parallelisation across the real processors otherwise contention can be generated. As the OS and SQL enumberate the real CPUs before the Virtual this is easily done in the configuration properties.


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