How well do you know MAX?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item How well do you know MAX?

  • Good question. Thanks


  • Nice question, thank you.



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Thanks for the question.

    However, I do not quite agree with your answer that the query you provided is 'a bit of a trick question'; I'd rather consider it testing the ability to logically analyze and disect a given query. 😉

    Cool though, that you provided the less complex version to achieve the same result.

    Thanks again, nice question,


  • sneaky! very nearly got that one wrong.

    I think the use of 'not in' threw me off there as opposed to <>

    'not in' implies that multiple results are going to be excluded.


    ^ Thats me!

    01010111011010000110000101110100 01100001 0110001101101111011011010111000001101100011001010111010001100101 01110100011010010110110101100101 011101110110000101110011011101000110010101110010

  • Great question and glad it was a bit of a trick, and not that we were looking for something funny in the behavior of MAX! :w00t:

  • Great question to check if I'm still awake at Friday 😀

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Nice logic puzzle - good question.


  • Good q, thanks


  • A Good twisting question...

  • Caught me out therefore an annoying question 😛

    (obviously wouldn't have caught out anyone that ran it as usual...)

  • Great question which illustrates why this type of technique should never be used in the real world!

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • Great question, reminds me of the old logical puzzle exams in interviews.

    Cheers 😀

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]"The difficult tasks we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer"[/font]

  • Nice question! I'm really, really glad I stopped, drank more coffee, and thought it through before answering though!


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