how to write a insert query for this?

  • here iam having two table in one table the values are placed pre defined depend on that i want to insert datas for the second table

    table 1 (this is the predefined table)

    contacttypeid (pk) contactvalue

    1 prmaryperson

    2 secondary person

    3 phoneno 1

    4 phone2

    5 mailid1

    6 mailid 2

    the second table was like this

    account id(pk) contacttypeid(fk) datas (as varchar (50) datatype)

    and now i need output like this

    account id(pk) contacttypeid(fk) datas

    1 1 bala

    2 2 siva

    3 3 654321

    4 4 543216

    5 5

    6 6

    here pk represent primary key

    and fk represent foregin key

  • This makes no sense right now. Please provide sample data for the second table.

    CE - Microsoft

  • i show u the output how it should come

    accontid contacttype data

    1 1 bala

    similarly i mentioned the output in my first post itself

  • where does "bala" in the datas column originate?

    likewise all the other details

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • er.sivaganesh (3/8/2012)

    i show u the output how it should come

    accontid contacttype data

    1 1 bala

    similarly i mentioned the output in my first post itself

    I cannot get the expected results with only 1 row in the second table. You need to provide data for both tables that is needed to give the expected results.

    CE - Microsoft

  • bala is the sample insert data for table 2 depend upon contact type 1

  • er.sivaganesh (3/8/2012)

    bala is the sample insert data for table 2 depend upon contact type 1

    Ok, given what you have given me I guessed at sample data.

    USE tempdb

    CREATE TABLE #contacts (contacttypeid int not null, contactvalue varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO #contacts

    SELECT 1, 'primaryperson'


    SELECT 2, 'secondaryperson'


    SELECT 3, 'phoneno1'


    SELECT 4, 'phone2'


    SELECT 5, 'mailid1'


    SELECT 6, 'mailid2'

    CREATE TABLE #accounts (accountid int not null, contacttypeid int, datas varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO #accounts

    SELECT 1, 1, 'bala'


    SELECT 2, 2, 'siva'


    SELECT 3, 3, '654321'


    SELECT 4, 4, '543216'


    SELECT 5, 5, ''


    SELECT 6, 6, ''

    Since you seem to not want to do any work to help us to help you, I have come up with the best solution to give you the desired results:

    SELECT *

    FROM #accounts

    If all of the data you need is in table 2, ignore table 1 and simply select from table 2.

    CE - Microsoft

  • here iam having two table in one table the values are placed pre defined depend on that i want to insert datas for the second table

    table 1 (this is the predefined table this table always wil have same data 1for primaryperson)

    contacttypeid (pk) contactvalue

    1 prmaryperson

    2 secondary person

    3 phoneno 1

    4 phone2

    5 mailid1

    6 mailid 2

    and now i need output like this for the second table depend upon contacttypeid of first table

    and here bala is the prmaryperson and siva is the secondary person depend upon contact type id i just

    want to write insert query for the second table only

    account id(pk) contacttypeid(fk) datas

    1 1 bala

    2 2 siva

    3 3 654321

    4 4 543216

    5 5

    6 6

    here pk represent primary key

    and fk represent foregin key

  • Like this?

    INSERT INTO table2

    SELECT contacttypeid, contacttypeid, datas

    FROM table1


    CREATE TABLE table2 (accountid int identity(1,1), contacttypeid int, datas varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO table2 (contacttypeid, datas)

    SELECT contacttypeid, datas

    FROM table1

    ORDER BY contacttypeid

    CE - Microsoft

  • from table one we are getting contacttype int value only

  • er.sivaganesh (3/8/2012)

    from table one we are getting contacttype int value only

    Until you give me better data and a better sample, I can not help you. Right now, your expected results in table 2 have the exact same values in column 1 and column 2. So just insert the same value in each.

    CE - Microsoft

  • er.sivaganesh (3/8/2012)

    here iam having two table in one table the values are placed pre defined depend on that i want to insert datas for the second table

    table 1 (this is the predefined table)

    contacttypeid (pk) contactvalue

    1 prmaryperson

    2 secondary person

    3 phoneno 1

    4 phone2

    5 mailid1

    6 mailid 2

    the second table was like this

    account id(pk) contacttypeid(fk) datas (as varchar (50) datatype)

    and now i need output like this

    account id(pk) contacttypeid(fk) datas

    1 1 bala

    2 2 siva

    3 3 654321

    4 4 543216

    5 5

    6 6

    here pk represent primary key

    and fk represent foregin key

    Please read the first article I reference below in my signature block. It will walk you through the steps you need to provide us with the information we need to help you.

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