How To use while loop without using a cursor

  • Hi,

    I'm writing a stored procedure that needs to evaluate account numbers and update another table based on those account numbers.  I'm not clear on the while loop syntax.  Here is an example

    Lookup table  Source Table 
    AcctValues AcctValues
    115 110
    220 320
    330 430
    440 540
    550 650

    I need to iterate through the lookup table accounts and within the loop evalute if the account exists in my source table if it does update the value from the lookup table to the source table if the account doesn't exist then update the source value to 0.  In VB.NET I would simply create an array and evaluate each account accordingly.  However I want to do this in T-SQL without the use of cursors (if possible).

    Thanks in advanced

  • I tend to use While loops in my T-SQL code. It's fairly simple. I usually use temp tables to serve as my arrays.

    Basically the While loop syntax is the following:

    DECLARE @total_count int --number representing the count of data in your temp table

    Set @total_count = SELECT COUNT(Acct) FROM Lookup_table

    DECLARE @counter1 int --this is the counter

    WHILE @counter1 <= @total_count



    SET @counter1 = (@counter1 + 1)


  • Hi,

    I need to evaluate each account number in the while loop and not just have a counter.  My question is how do I evaluate each account.  This is what I have so far:

    I'm loading the account number into a temp table, I declared a couple of variables one new and one old and what I am trying to do is iterate through the entire account list and evaluate that account and do something with that account.  However I'm not sure if my iteration is correct.


    SELECT budgetaccountnumber INTO #MyTemp FROM source_budgetaccounts WHERE budgetaccountnumber <> 0

     DECLARE @Budgetaccount   INT

     DECLARE @NewBudgetaccount  INT

     SELECT @NewBudgetaccount = budgetaccountnumber FROM #MyTemp

     WHILE @NewBudgetaccount != @Budgetaccount


      IF (SELECT COUNT(gldept) FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets

          WHERE gldept = @GLDept AND budgetaccount = @NewBudgetaccount) > 0


        PRINT @NewBudgetaccount

       SET @NewBudgetaccount = @Budgetaccount



  • DECLARE @NextAccount INT
    SET @NextAccount=0
    WHILE @NextAccount IS NOT NULL
            SELECT @NextAccount=MIN(acct)
            FROM dbo.YourTable
            WHERE acct > @NextAccount
            IF @NextAccount IS NOT NULL
                    exec dbo.YourProc @NextAccount
                    -- etc
  • Hello again,

    This is the final T-SQL - everything is working fine now

    Thanks for all your help


    DECLARE @NextAccount INT

     SET @NextAccount=0

     WHILE @NextAccount IS NOT NULL   


      SELECT @NextAccount=MIN(budgetaccountnumber) FROM #MyTemp

       WHERE budgetaccountnumber > @NextAccount       

       IF @NextAccount IS NOT NULL          


        IF (SELECT COUNT(gldept)

         FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets

            WHERE gldept = @OtherVariable AND budgetaccount = @NextAccount) > 0

        PRINT @NextAccount                          



        IF (SELECT COUNT(gldept)

            FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets

            WHERE gldept = @OtherVariable AND budgetaccount = @NextAccount) = 0

        PRINT 'Budget accounts na Update to ZERO'




  • I may be missing something here, but I think this is the effect you are attempting to achieve


    Lookup set

    [values] = s.[values]



    select l.acct, s.[values]


    Lookup as l


    join source as s


    l.acct = s.acct


    s.acct is not null) as s


    s.acct = Lookup.acct




    Lookup set


    = 0



    select l.acct, s.[values]


    Lookup as l


    join source as s


    l.acct = s.acct


    s.acct is null) as s


    s.acct = Lookup.acct

  • Now I'm really getting confused (which is not hard to do


    Here is my latest iteration:

    DECLARE @NextAccount  INT


    SET @NextAccount=0

    WHILE @NextAccount IS NOT NULL    


       SELECT @NextAccount=MIN(budgetaccountnumber) FROM BudgetAccounts WHERE      Budgetaccountnumber > @NextAccount   


     IF @NextAccount IS NOT NULL    


         IF (SELECT COUNT(gldept)

          FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets

             WHERE gldept = @GLDEPT AND budgetaccount = @NextAccount) > 0

          PRINT 'SELECT COUNT(gldept) FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets WHERE gldept =' +  @GLDEPT + ' AND budgetaccount = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@NextAccount) This print statement is only showing up once which is what I want to happen


           UPDATE a SET a.ap1 = b.ap1,a.ap2 = b.ap2,a.ap3 = b.ap3,a.ap4 = b.ap4

           FROM source_budgetaccounts a INNER JOIN SOURCE_Overhead_BudgetAccounts_by_Dept_Budgets b

            ON a.budgetaccountnumber = b.budgetaccount

           WHERE b.gldept = @GLDEPT AND a.budgetaccountnumber = @NextAccount

    In the print statement below I expected to see one print statement because only one met the criteria of > 0, however I'm displaying a print statement for all accounts shouldn't I just be seeing one print statement.  What in the world am I doing wrong here?       

    PRINT 'UPDATE a SET a.ap1 = b.ap1,a.ap2 = b.ap2,a.ap3 = b.ap3,a.ap4 = b.ap4 FROM source_budgetaccounts a INNER JOIN SOURCE_Overhead_BudgetAccounts_by_Dept_Budgets b ON a.budgetaccountnumber = b.budgetaccount WHERE b.gldept = ' + @GLDEPT + ' AND a.budgetaccountnumber = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@NextAccount)


         /* ELSE


           UPDATE source_budgetaccounts SET ap1 = 0,ap2 = 0,ap3 = 0, ap4 =0

          END */




  • Hi Again,

    I changed the if condition from

    IF (SELECT COUNT(gldept)

          FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets

             WHERE gldept = @GLDEPT AND budgetaccount = @NextAccount) > 0


    IF EXISTS(SELECT gldept FROM source_overhead_budgetaccounts_by_dept_budgets WHERE gldept = CONVERT(INT,@GLDEPT) AND budgetaccount = @NextAccount)

    This allows the evaluation to occur and return the correct SQL statement.


  • Joe, this problem does not need a cursor. Never use a cursor when a set-based solution is available.

    Look at this simple solution.

    -- Update the existing accounts in Lookup table with Source values

    UPDATE      lt

    SET         lt.Values = st.Values

    FROM        LookupTable lt

    INNER JOIN  SourceTable st WHERE st.Acct = lt.Acct

    -- Insert the missing accounts, and their values

    INSERT Lookup





    SELECT st.Acct,


    FROM   SourceTable st

    WHERE  st.Acct NOT IN (SELECT lt.Acct FROM LookupTable lt)

    N 56°04'39.16"
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  • Joe, just in case you did not hear about it,

    the name for array in SQL is "table".

    You don't need to create arrays, they are already there. Just use it.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Joe, Peter's set based solution is a much better approach to using a loop of any kind.  There are many, many posts and articles on SSC detailing the benefits of set based T-SQL versus loop/iteration based programming.  Most examples that use a loop can be re-written as a set based solution that, in terms of performance, will be significantly more efficient. 

    Also, Sergity is correct, T-SQL does have arrays - table variables.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • No, I mean tables, not only table variables.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • declare @Lookup table





    declare @Source Table (



    insert into @Lookup values (1,15)

    insert into @Source values (1,10)

    insert into @Lookup values (2,20)

    insert into @Source values (3,20)

    insert into @Lookup values (3,30)

    insert into @Source values (4,30)

    insert into @Lookup values (4,40)

    insert into @Source values (5,40)

    insert into @Lookup values (5,50)

    insert into @Source values (6,50)

    select * from @Lookup

    select * from @Source

    update s

    set [Values] = isnull(l.[Values],0)

    from @Source s

    left join @Lookup l

    on s.acct = l.acct

    --select * from @Lookup

    select * from @Source

  • Thanks for the input.  I just wanted to find the most efficient way of being able to iterate through a record of accounts and ensure that I evaluated all the records against a set criteria.  I did not use a cursor in this example just a while loop.  I went with was most comfortable to me.  As you mentioned I should have (and will rewrite my store proc.) used a straight set SQL to do this.

    Again thanks for everyone's input

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