How to use select,alter,insert into select statements one after another in the same batch?

  • can we use select,alter,insert statements one after another....

    For ex:

    Create table ex(a int,b int)


    Insert into ex values(1,2)


    declare @a int

    declare @b-2 int

    declare @C int

    set @C=9

    select @a=a,@b=b from ex

    alter table ex add c int

    truncate table ex

    insert into ex select @a,@b,@c


    The above one is not working and giving an error

    but the below is working:

    alter table ex add c int


    declare @a int

    declare @b-2 int

    declare @C int

    set @C=9

    select @a=a,@b=b from ex

    truncate table ex

    insert into ex select @a,@b,@c

    Now  i have to use the above criteria in the middle of the procedure....

    Can any one give me an idea...and one more thing is table will be create in the procedure it self only.Not out side.after create i have to take some values into variables,alter table table and insert into table.

    Any suggestion would be helpful to me....:-)


    Rao Aregaddan

  • GO is an execute command for T-SQL

    after a GO, all variables are lost. Just as happens when you execute different queries in QA.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • But how to get the criteria with in that procedure....?

    is there any other do like that?


  • 'GO' is the token to terminate the batch, so there is no way that you can have 'GO' inside a procedure.

    When you complie the proc, the 'GO' will end the proc, and code after that will not get compiled as part of that proc.

    Could you expand a bit on your real problem? What is it you need to do? Do you really need a 'GO' in the middle?

    If you can provide some example and description about your problem, there may be other options.


  • I dont want to use GO and know that all variables expire after that....i have given that code for ex only....

    In my proc first one temp table will be create,have to alter that table(Need to add column) and after that insert some values using the variables.

    using linked server i am creating and inserting values...

    The actual action i want is as below......

    declare @C int

    set @C=7

    select @a=a @b-2=b from temp

    alter table  temp add c

    truncate table temp

    insert into temp select @a,@b,@c

    Did u get what my plan is?








  • You may have to adjust or rethink your processing, since what you're trying to do won't work inside the same batch.

    -- snip from BOL paragraph Batches ---

    A table cannot be altered and then the new columns referenced in the same batch.

    -- end snip --

    Is there any reason that the added column can't be there to start with, so you don't have to add it in the middle of the work?


  • Ok...Thanks for ur information.....

    I will use another temp table to get the data....

    Thanks to all............


    Rao Aregaddan.

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