How to use an OUTPUT parameter and check if a record exists

  • I do not know if you are using C# or VB so I used VB because I found out it is easier for C# folks to read the VB syntax then vice versa. 😀

    Dim SQLParam(2) As SqlParameter

    SQLParam(0) = New SqlParameter("@CommID", SqlDbType.Int)

    SQLParam(0).Value = CommID

    SQLParam(1) = New SqlParameter("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)

    SQLParam(1).Value = username

    SQLParam(2) = New SqlParameter("@status", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200)

    SQLParam(2).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

    '.... execute your SP here.....

    Status = SQLParam(2).Value

    Make sure you always define the size of the SQLDBType.VarChar otherwise the SQL server will create a different execution plan for each length of the passed variable so you may have up to 50 executions plans just for the username variations.

    EDIT..- sorry, cound not get the code tags to work correctly for VB.

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    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • If you were to execute the procedure I posted above in SSMS, this is how you would do it:

    declare @id int,

    @uname varchar(50),

    @stat varchar(200);

    set @id = 1;

    set @uname = 'AUserName';

    exec dbo.checkComms @id, @uname, @stat output;

  • I was involved with a similar scenario when I came across this posting. I modified the code which should work as expected. Notice that even though I'm using SELECT *..., it will not have a performance impact since the EXISTS condition will be met when the first record is found. Using a Count(*) will of course have a performance hit. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.

    alter procedure [dbo].[checkComms]

    @CommID int,

    @username varchar(50),

    @status varchar(200) OUTPUT


    if exists

    (SELECT * FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Comms] where storeCommID=@CommID and [UserName] = @username)


    SELECT @status ='Already Exists'



    Insert into [storeComms] (CommID, UserName) Values (@storeCommID,@UserName)

    SELECT @Status = 'Record Added!'


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