How to use a select statement to get a parameter

  • Here's the beginning of my sp. I want to be able to supply the AccountNumber when executing the procedure then, the @VisitID will be supplied by the set statement. Is this possible?

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[spRadialAnalyticsDataExtract_ADLAssessment]
    @VisitID varchar(30),
    @AccountNumber varchar(30)
    set @VisitID=(select VisitID from livefdb.dbo.RegAcct_Main where SourceID='BRO' and AccountNumber=@AccountNumber)

    Execute stored procedure...............
    exec spRadialAnalyticsDataExtract_ADLAssessment '2345678'

  • Try something like:

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[spRadialAnalyticsDataExtract_ADLAssessment]
    @AccountNumber varchar(30)

    DECLARE @VisitID varchar(30)

    SELECT @VisitID = VisitID from livefdb.dbo.RegAcct_Main where SourceID='BRO' and AccountNumber=@AccountNumber)

    You'd want to keep in mind that you need to make sure you aren't going to have multiple, different VisitIDs with that query.


  • Wonderful. Thanx.

  • Or, if you want to allow @VisitID to be specified but not to require it:

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[spRadialAnalyticsDataExtract_ADLAssessment]
    @AccountNumber varchar(30),
    @VisitID varchar(30) = NULL
    IF @VisitID IS NULL
        SET @VisitID=(select VisitID from livefdb.dbo.RegAcct_Main where SourceID='BRO' and AccountNumber=@AccountNumber)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • One rule of thumb I follow is:
    If you want the user to be able to enter a value, include it as a required parameter, but supply a default in case the user leaves it out. Or have coding to alert the user that the parameter is required. - Scott's post.
    If the value is only going to be set by some other code within the stored procedure, then the parameter/variable needs to be within the stored proc - Sue's post.

    So it all depends on how the value can be set.


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