How to test for multiple negative conditions

  • Hi Everyone,

    In mytable, I have data like this:

    myLetter myNumber

    A 1

    A 2

    B 1

    B 2

    C 1

    C 2

    I want to select all the rows except where the myLetter is A AND the myNumber is 1. So my resultset should include A2 and B1.

    If I try SELECT myLetter, myNumber FROM mytable where (myLetter <> 'A' and myNumber <> 1) it splits up the two conditions and excludes all rows that have either an A or a 1. Am I doing something wrong with my brackets? Or is there a different way of structuring this query? Thanks,


  • You're not applying the distributive logic rule correctly. the rule is:

    NOT (X AND Y) = (NOT X) OR (NOT Y)

    So your criteria is supposed to be:


    (myLetter <> 'A' OR myNumber <> 1)

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Simple boolean error. Write the query to first return what you want to exclude.

    After that, NOT the condition. If you expand that, you'll find that NOT(myLetter = 'A' and myNumber = 1) is actually

    myLetter <> 'A' or myNumber <> 1.

    Here is my test code to show you what I mean:

    create table #TestTab (

    myLetter char(1),

    myNumber int


    insert into #TestTab

    select 'A', 1 union all

    select 'A', 2 union all

    select 'B', 1 union all

    select 'B', 2 union all

    select 'C', 1 union all

    select 'C', 2;







    (myLetter = 'A'

    and myNumber = 1);







    not(myLetter = 'A'

    and myNumber = 1);







    (myLetter <> 'A'

    or myNumber <> 1);

    drop table #TestTab;

    Edit: I also see that Matt beat me to this.

  • Thanks to both of you on this. I can see that you're both right. And I guess the bottom line is that now I know the answer I can remember it for next time.

    The solution where you put the NOT in front of the brackets seems very clear to me. However, to my feeble brain, using the OR command seems counter-intuitive. Guess I missed Distribution Logic class or something! 🙂

    Anyway, thanks guys, you were both very helpful,


  • I had boolean logic hammered into me in a microprocessor design course/lab in college. Couldn't explain it well, but I sure do remember how it works.

  • OK it turns out the example I gave was overly simplistic (hmmm, maybe that applies to me too! :unsure: ). Does the same logic apply when using NOT IN ()?

    Instead of using 'not equals' to a specific value, what I'm actually trying to do is select rows where two fields are not present in two fields of another table. Something like this:


    fldID1, fldID2, fldCode, fldLdesc




    (mySourceTable.fldID1 NOT IN (SELECT fldID1 from myDestTable)


    mySourceTable.fldID2 NOT IN (SELECT fldID2 from myDestTable))

    I have tried the above using both AND and OR, but neither seem to give me the result I want (which would be all rows from mySourceTable where the combination of both fldID1 and fldID2 are not present in myDestTable). Either way the query returns no rows, even though there are definitely rows in mySourceTable that have a combination of fldID1 and fldID2 not found in myDestTable. Am I missing something? Thanks,


  • Now you're changing the type of question. The two can't be looked at separately, since you're trying to make sure the combination exists. It's not whether each vailue exists individually, it's whether there's a row in your lookup table that matches the combo.

    Look at using either a NOT EXISTS clause or a LEFT OUTER JOIN. Something like:


    fldID1, fldID2, fldCode, fldLdesc







    from myDestTable

    WHERE mysourcetable.fldid1= mydesttable.fldid1 AND

    mysourcetable.fldid2= mydesttable.fldid2


    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks Matt,

    You're right, I didn't ask the correct question originally which is sometimes half the trick. Thanks for the clear explanation - your answer has shown me exactly how to do what I wanted,


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