How to sum rows

  • I have a table as below

    orderid buyerid title saleprice partnum

    123 duc Axiom69 100 Axiom69-a

    123 duc Native 50 Nat-a

    345 tracy Keyboard69 100 Key69-a

    678 tracy Keyboard69 100 Key69-a

    910 Thuan remote 10 remote-a

    The result should be below so can anyone help to provide me a SQL Query to extract the data as below, thank you

    orderid buyerid title sum(saleprice) partnum

    123 duc Axiom69 100 Axiom69-a

    123 duc Native 50 Nat-a


    345 tracy Keyboard69 100 Key69-a

    678 tracy Keyboard69 100 Key69-a


    910 Thuan remote 10 remote-a

  • Try using GROUPING SETS ,ROLLUP or CUBE with group by function.

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • Try the follwoing query......

    select case convert(varchar(20),orderid) when 0 then 'Total' else convert(varchar(20),orderid) end as Orderid,




    select * from (

    select case grouping(title) when 1 then 0 else orderid end as orderid,buyerid,sum(saleprice) as saleprice,

    partnum,grouping(title) as title

    from test1

    where buyerid is not null

    group by buyerid,title,orderid

    with rollup

    --order by 1


    as final where orderid is not null and buyerid is not null

    ) RightTable

  • What is the result set used for, Steven?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • Steven, can you please have a look at formatting your data and requested output into something we can read.

    I think your source data should look like this: -

    DECLARE @sourcetable AS TABLE(

    orderid INT

    ,buyerid VARCHAR(15)

    ,title VARCHAR(35)

    ,saleprice INT

    ,partnum VARCHAR(35))

    INSERT INTO @sourcetable






    SELECT 123, 'duc', 'Axiom69', 100, 'Axiom69-a'

    UNION ALL SELECT 123, 'duc', 'Native', 50, 'Nat-a'

    UNION ALL SELECT 345, 'tracy', 'Keyboard69', 100, 'Key69-a'

    UNION ALL SELECT 678, 'tracy', 'Keyboard69', 100, 'Key69-a'

    UNION ALL SELECT 910, 'Thuan', 'remote', 10, 'remote-a'

    --SELECT * FROM @sourcetable


    orderid buyerid title saleprice partnum

    ----------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- -----------------------------------

    123 duc Axiom69 100 Axiom69-a

    123 duc Native 50 Nat-a

    345 tracy Keyboard69 100 Key69-a

    678 tracy Keyboard69 100 Key69-a

    910 Thuan remote 10 remote-a


    After that, I have little idea what you're after.

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  • Minaz Amin (6/29/2010)

    Try using GROUPING SETS ,ROLLUP or CUBE with group by function.

    Agreed and Spot On.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • SELECT orderid,buyerid,title,SUM(saleprice),partnum FROM @sourcetable Group by

    Grouping sets ((orderid,buyerid,title,partnum ),(orderid),())

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