How to start report server in Internet Explorer

  • Hi

    I am new to Reporting Services

    i am trying to deploy my Report which is developed in BIDS but i got this Error Message

    "the Specified targetServerURL is not valid. specify a valid URL for a Report Server in the Deployment settings"

    and also I am unable to open the Report Server by typing http://localhost/Report

    i am getting nothing...

    i am using Internet Explorer 9. and SQL Server 2008.

    can anybody give the solutions for my problem....

  • See if you have configured ur reporting server

    [Configuration Tools --> Reporting Services Configuration]

    Check targetServerURL , it should be http://<server name>/Reportserver

  • I'm in the same boat as anand_vanam here, except I'm using SQL 2008 R2 EXPRESS (Advanced x64) on Win7 Ultimate x64.

    I can log into my Report Server interface at the address "http://localhost/Reports_SQLEXPRESS/Pages/Folder.aspx", so I know it's running and accepting my access/account info, but I can't deploy any reports to this server from BIDS.

    The Build portion of the deployment is always successful, and after that I always get the message "The specified report server URL http://localhost/Reports_SQLEXPRESS could not be found. Verify the syntax of the URL and that the report server exists."

    I've tried heaps of variations on the address, including subfolders and the default http://localhost/ReportServer, but always end with the same error description.

    Any clues to resolving the error message and successfully deploying a report would be appreciated.

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