how to shutdown nodes in an active/passive cluster server

  • Hi,

    I am pretty much new to sql server clustering.We have a two node cluster (active\passive) and  I have a requirement where I need to reboot the passive node first and then move the group from active node to passive node and reboot the active node.My question is how do I reboot the nodes in cluster.Is the normal shutdown (programs-> shutdown) or is it something different?I will appreciate if you can explain step by step.





  • Please somebody help me with this.





  • In my experience with Active/Passive Clusters running SQL Server,  I would reboot the Passive Node first.   then I would go into the Cluster Administrator and do a 'move group' over to the newly rebooted passive node.  Once you verify that all of the Cluster Resources successfully failed over to the Passive Node (making it now the active node) -  I would just go ahead and reboot the other node..

    In theory, you could just reboot the Active Node and failover the Cluster Resources that way..  But it is definitely better and probably safer to move resources back and forth using the Cluster Administrator. 

    Or...   you could probably just just down both nodes and bring up the one that you want to be the Active node first..

  • Thanks a lot for response Jpotucek.

    I need to know how do we reboot the node in cluster enviroment.Like from command propmt I can use following command

    SHUTDOWN \\nodename \r

    but how do we reboot the without using command prompt.





  • Connect to the passive node by the machine name or IP address (Please note NOT vitualserver name) and do the normal shutdown or reboot you require.

    Before rebooting the passive node ensure.,

    1. There is no resources running on passive node. If so move that resource to Active Node.

    2. Connect to the passive node by that machine name.


    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • Thanks for your response Siva.

    Sorry for asking such a silly questions but I am completely new to Clustering.

    Could you please explain me in little detail how do we Connect to the passive node by the machine name or IP address ?

    Thanks a lot for you help.






  • SR

    If you have physical access to the servers, log on to the node you want to shut down.  If you are using Terminal Services or similar, connect to the IP address of the node you want to shut down (in the same way you would connect to any other computer), then log on.

    Now you can shut down the server in the normal way.


  • I got it.

    Thanks a lot John.This is really helpful.





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