How to schedule generate sql server script?

  • I generate the sql script for all objects in a particular database every week on Wednesday using Generate SQL Server Scripts wizard.

    The generated script will be compared with the previous script generated last week with the help of source safe.

    I want to know is there any way to Schedule the script generation so that the script will be generated at the

    schedule time every wednesday.This saves me a lot of time.

  • You can script the objects using DMO (Distributed Management Objects) and then can include this script in a job step and schedule it to run every wednesday. There are many other third party tools as well, however go through the below link which will help you further.


  • I do a similar thing in that I build a change script for numerous databases every night by comparing tfs (sourcesafe) files to databases and use the redgate sql compare tool, it has a command line version which can be scheduled numerous ways (tfs buid agent, windows task scheduler, sql agent etc).

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