How to return week number in 2 digit form

  • Hello expert,

    Using this sql statement datepart (week, '2005-01-01') returns 1 for week 1, I would like to return in this way:








    Could anybody help me to get the result in 2 digits?


  • Hi,

    SELECT RIGHT('0' + CAST(datepart (week, '2005-01-01') AS VARCHAR(2)),2)

    should work. I'm just putting a zero in front and then take 2 places from the right.


  • Select Replicate('0',2-Len(datepart (week, '2005-01-09'))) + Cast(datepart (week, '2005-01-09') as varchar(10)) as DOW

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  • shadow_2 (5/12/2010)


    SELECT RIGHT('0' + CAST(datepart (week, '2005-01-01') AS VARCHAR(2)),2)

    should work. I'm just putting a zero in front and then take 2 places from the right.


    Sorry, I overlooked that you want to start with week 0, so just substract 1 from the datepart result.

    SELECT RIGHT('0' + CAST((datepart (week, '2005-01-01') - 1) AS VARCHAR(2)),2)

    Hope that helps,


  • If you want it that way, then you will have to loose the INT data-type and your string will be of VARCHAR..

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