How to restore a deleted subscription in SSRS 2008

  • I had deleted my scriptions in SSRS by mistake. Is there a way in SSRS 2008 to restore a deleted subscription?

    Thank you,

    Ashok Jebaraj

  • There is no automatic way to recover a lost subscription. However, they are stored in the table ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions. So, if you are backing up your ReportServer database, you could restore it and try to find the subscription there. (Warning: if you restore the backup over the existing database, you lose everything you created since that backup. I suggest restoring to a different name, first, perhaps ReportServer_dateofbackup.)

  • Subscriptions also make entries in to several system tables in the MSDB database, so simply restoring the data to the table in the reporting services database may not get you where you want to go.

  • Hi ,

    thank you for your response. I had a 3 month old back up and I restored the resport server database in another machine. Now...what ever subscriptions that are there in the old back up will be restored...I think subscriptions run using SQL Agent jobs. I wanted to know if the agent jobs would be created autpomatically if the resport server database is restored or should I also restore the msdb database in the new server?

    Thank you,

    Ashok Jebaraj

  • yes it takes msdb too!

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