How to move Transaction Logs(.LDF) and Temp files

  • Can any one tell me what is the best way to move Transaction Logs and TempDB.




  • You can move tempdb files by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.

    1.Determine the logical file names for the tempdb database by using sp_helpfile as follows:

    use tempdb




    The logical name for each file is contained in the name column. This example uses the default file names of tempdev and templog.

    2.Use the ALTER DATABASE statement, specifying the logical file name as follows:

    use master


    Alter database tempdb modify file (name = tempdev, filename = 'E:\Sqldata\tempdb.mdf')


    Alter database tempdb modify file (name = templog, filename = 'E:\Sqldata\templog.ldf')


    You should receive the following messages confirming the change:

    File 'tempdev' modified in sysaltfiles. Delete old file after restarting SQL Server.

    File 'templog' modified in sysaltfiles. Delete old file after restarting SQL Server.

    3.Using sp_helpfile in tempdb will not confirm these changes until you restart SQL Server.

    4.Stop and restart SQL Server.

  • And for the transaction logs (which is at least one er database) the best was is detach the DB move your files whereever you want and after attach it again.

    It works well a fast




  • Just by curiosity, In what cases would I need to move tempdb files. Isn't the TEMDB recreated once sql server is restarted.

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  • By default, TempDB is created in same folder as other system databases such as master. The drive that holds these databases may not large enough for TempDB.

  • The only doubt is if i detach DB files and Attach datafiles , is there will be any issues with logins connecting to that databases.



  • Logins are in master database. If you detach and attach database from one server to another server, you may have to move the logins too.

    Edited by - allen_cui on 08/21/2003 08:21:58 AM

  • Sure TempDB is recreated everytime SQL Server is re-started but, it will recreate wherver the location of the files have been specified. Lot of times it is a good idea to move the TempDB to it's own drives isolating from user database files for better performance and more space.



    Just by curiosity, In what cases would I need to move tempdb files. Isn't the TEMDB recreated once sql server is restarted.

    Pay Respect to People on your way up. For you will meet the same People on your way down.

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