how to make a stored procedure return a value when there are no available values

  • Here is the script for a stored procedure that i have, i want the stored procedure to return a value of 1,if it is a null or if there are no values for it to return ,

    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd]

    @BatchStatusCd NVARCHAR(5)

    ,@ExtractSiteCd NVARCHAR (10)

    ,@ExtractAsOfDate DATETIME


    SELECT case when @ExtractAsOfDate = isnull(convert(varchar(10),ExtractAsOfDate,120),'1900-01-01') then 0

    when @ExtractAsOfDate <> isnull(convert(varchar(10),ExtractAsOfDate,120),'1900-01-01')then 1 else 1 end

    as ExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd FROM ExtractSiteExtractFileBatch

    WHERE BatchStatusCd = @BatchStatusCd

    and ExtractSiteCd =@ExtractSiteCd

    AND ExtractAsOfDate = @ExtractAsOfDate


    here is the exec statement for the stored procedure, i want it to return a value of 1, if the value does not exist in the sample data.

    EXEC@return_value = [dbo].[GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd]

    @BatchStatusCd = N'sb',

    @ExtractSiteCd = N'CEPOK',

    @ExtractAsOfDate = N'2013-03-18 00:00:00.000'

    SELECT'Return Value' = @return_value


    below is the sample data

    SELECT '[ExtractSiteExtractFileBatchID]','[ExtractSiteCd]','[ExtractAsOfDate]','[BatchStatusCd]','[InsertedDate]','[UpdatedDate]'

    union all

    select '1442','CEPOK','2012-07-12 00:00:00.000','SB','2012-07-13 06:04:41.843','2012-07-13 07:30:29.660'

    union all

    select '1443','CFTRT','2012-07-12 00:00:00.000','SB','2012-07-13 07:30:30.077','2012-07-13 08:29:40.433'

    union all

    select '5472','CEPED','2012-07-12 00:00:00.000','SBR','2013-03-18 17:34:12.047','2013-03-18 17:34:12.047'

  • Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd]

    @BatchStatusCd NVARCHAR(5)

    ,@ExtractSiteCd NVARCHAR (10)

    ,@ExtractAsOfDate DATETIME



    SELECT case when @ExtractAsOfDate = isnull(convert(varchar(10),ExtractAsOfDate,120),'1900-01-01') then 0

    when @ExtractAsOfDate <> isnull(convert(varchar(10),ExtractAsOfDate,120),'1900-01-01')then 1 else 1 end

    as ExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd FROM ExtractSiteExtractFileBatch

    WHERE BatchStatusCd = @BatchStatusCd

    and ExtractSiteCd =@ExtractSiteCd

    AND ExtractAsOfDate = @ExtractAsOfDate



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  • Thanks i will give it a try and let you know the results

  • i tried it still returns no value

  • klineandking (3/19/2013)

    i tried it still returns no value

    What do you mean it returns no VALUE?

    Regardless of what you have in stored proc it always return a value! By default it's 0:

    create proc p_test


    select 1 as Col;


    declare @ret int;

    exec @ret = p_test;

    select @ret;


    And in your attachment it does return a value too!

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    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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  • CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd]

    @BatchStatusCd NVARCHAR(5)

    ,@ExtractSiteCd NVARCHAR(10)

    ,@ExtractAsOfDate DATETIME


    RETURN (



    SELECT 1

    FROM dbo.ExtractSiteExtractFileBatch


    BatchStatusCd = @BatchStatusCd

    AND ExtractSiteCd = @ExtractSiteCd

    AND ISNULL(ExtractAsOfDate, '19000101') = @ExtractAsOfDate


    THEN 0

    ELSE 1




    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Ough, I can see now!

    You need to learn and use proper terminology!

    The stored procedure you have does return an integer value (as I've pointed out in the previous post by default it's zero).

    You asked that you want your stored proc to return value of 1 when no records found, my changes made it to do exactly that.

    What you really want is to return 1 in the recordset not as value!

    You can change you proc to do so by replacing your select with following:

    Edited: refer to the next post.

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  • Even shorter version:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd]

    @BatchStatusCd NVARCHAR(5)

    ,@ExtractSiteCd NVARCHAR(10)

    ,@ExtractAsOfDate DATETIME


    SELECT MIN(Res) AS ExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd



    SELECT 1 AS Res


    SELECT case when @ExtractAsOfDate = isnull(convert(varchar(10),ExtractAsOfDate,120),'1900-01-01') then 0

    else 1

    end as Res

    FROM ExtractSiteExtractFileBatch

    WHERE BatchStatusCd = @BatchStatusCd

    and ExtractSiteCd =@ExtractSiteCd

    and ExtractAsOfDate = @ExtractAsOfDate

    ) q


    Edited, so it can be used to create stored proc

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  • Thanks but i want the stored procedure to reture a single column 'GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd' with the value, your script would only return the result as the return value

  • klineandking (3/19/2013)

    Thanks but i want the stored procedure to reture a single column 'GetExtractSiteExtractFileBatchPreviousSuccessInd' with the value, your script would only return the result as the return value

    My last post does exactly that - it returns recordset with one column and one row.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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  • can this script be re written for it to return the values as a bit datat type?

  • Yes it can. Just use CAST function.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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