How to know Which SP is installed in SQL Server

  • I have problem related XML when i include ( & , ') & use it thru

    SP_XML_PREPAREDOCUMENT it give XML Parsing Error

    I found that for this error i have to download latest SP from Microsoft

    OS is Windows 2000 Professional so Desktop SP i have to install ??

  • select @@version

  • I want to know which SP is installed on my machine

    if i put

    Select @@Version

    it comes like this

    Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)   Dec 17 2002 14:22:05   Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation  Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: )

    what is SP Info in this

    One More Quest

    How to Install SP4 on Desktop Machine

    If i install with Setup.exe it showing me 'instance name is not valid' because i have already install MSDE Setup

    If remove that Setup it show

    Strong Password is required for Security Purpose Please use SAPWD ......

    Now what to do for this

    I am updating SP4 thru SQL2000.MSDE-KB884525-SP4-x86-ENU.EXE file

  • Try this for SP level:

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel')

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • It gives RTM

    what it means

  • The 760 of 8.00.760 identifies the 'build'. 760 is SQL Server service pack 3 (SP3).

    You can find this somewhere on Microsoft's website, but you can also find it at:

    Then go to FAQ/Docs and choose SQL Server Version Database.

    From SP3a and on, you need to have a strong password for the SA account. Run this to change the password: (in a command prompt window)

    osql -U sa

    at the password prompt enter the SA password or press enter if the password is blank.

    If you are using Windows Authentication only, type:

    osql -E

    then type:

    sp_password @old = <old password or NULL>, @new = '<strong password>', @loginame = 'sa'


    Make sure the GO is on a separate line. Replace the information in the <>'s (and the  <>'s) with the correct information. For example:

    sp_password @old = NULL, @new = 'jafyUU7JDL', @loginame = 'sa'

    Also, note that @loginame only has one n. And if you use a password for @old, it must be in single quotes unless it's the word NULL.


  • My Actual Problem is

    I am passing XML Document To Stored Procedure which

    use OPENXML Method to get data from XML & Update to database

    It works fine, but when user enter (' , &amp in data i get the XML Parsing Error

    as white spaces are not allowed

    For this one of my friend told to get Latest SP for SQL Server

    I have already downloaded SP4

    So the solution is to install SP4 or Anything else


  • I realize that I am a day late and a dollar short, but if you want to know Version, SQL Install Path, Default Database Path, and then some you could run this in Query Analyzer.................


    --===[ Script Begin ]===--

    -- ===============================================================================================

    -- Object          : SQL_Server_FullDocumentation.txt

    -- Description     : Exports SQL Server Settings and Configurations.


    -- Usage           : SQL_Server_FullDocumentation


    -- Returns         : a Flat Text File of Settings and Configurations.


    -- Created by      : Jamie 'MudFace' Christian

    -- ===============================================================================================

    -- ===============================================================================================

    -- Data Collected  :

    -- ===============================================================================================

    -- Server Name

    -- Instance Name

    -- Number of Processors

    -- Installed Memory

    -- Product Version

    -- Product Level

    -- Product Edition

    -- Engine Edition

    -- License Type

    -- Number of Licenses

    -- Install Path

    -- Default Database Directory

    -- Default Log File Directory

    -- Default Backup Directory

    -- Default SQL Tools Directory

    -- ===============================================================================================

    -- NOTE: I know there are easier ways to collect this information,

    -- I wanted to collect the data into Temp Tables on purpose so that later I can

    -- come back and re-write this script to outout its information to HMTL.

    -- ===============================================================================================

    -- Created:    05/11/2005

    -- Modtime:    05/14/2005

    -- ===============================================================================================




    USE master


    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT '+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'

    PRINT '¦       Database and Operational System versions.'

    PRINT '+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'

    PRINT ''

    -- ===================================================================================

    -- ===[ SQL Server Basic Information ]================================================

    -- ===================================================================================

    PRINT '+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'

    PRINT '¦       SQL Server Details]'

    PRINT '+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'

    -- ====================================

    -- SQL Server Install Details

    -- ====================================

    -- Install Path

    DECLARE @rc                  INT

    DECLARE @dir                 NVARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @datadir             NVARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @logdir              NVARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @backdir             NVARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @installedmemory     VARCHAR(20)

    DECLARE @Server_Name         SYSNAME

    DECLARE @ToolsPath           NVARCHAR(512)

    DECLARE @RegKeyProcs         VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @RegKeyMem           VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @RegMem              VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @RegValueProcs       VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @RegValueMem         VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @server              SYSNAME

    DECLARE @NumProcs            VARCHAR(60)

    SET @RegKeyMem               = 'NumberOfProcessors'

    DECLARE @srvobject           INT -- Server object

    DECLARE @object              INT -- Work variable for instantiating COM objects

    DECLARE @hr                  INT -- Contains HRESULT returned by COM

    -- ====================================

    -- Default Install Directory

    -- ====================================

    EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup',N'SQLPath', @dir OUTPUT, 'no_output'

    -- ====================================

    -- Default Data Directory

    -- ====================================

    EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer',N'DefaultData', @datadir OUTPUT, 'no_output'

    IF (@datadir IS NULL)


        EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup',N'SQLDataRoot', @datadir OUTPUT, 'no_output'

        SELECT @datadir = @datadir + N'\Data'


    -- ====================================

    -- Default Data Log Directory

    -- ====================================

    EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer',N'DefaultLog', @logdir OUTPUT, 'no_output'

    IF (@logdir IS NULL)


        EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup',N'SQLDataRoot', @logdir OUTPUT, 'no_output'

        SELECT @logdir = @logdir + N'\Data'


    -- ====================================

    -- Default Backup Directory

    -- ====================================

    EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer',N'BackupDirectory', @Backdir OUTPUT, 'no_output'


    -- ====================================

    -- Read the Registry for Number of Processors & Memory

    -- ====================================

    SET @RegKeyProcs        = 'NumberOfProcessors'

    SET @RegKeyMem          = 'PhysicalMemory'

    -- Create a SQLServer object

        EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.SQLServer', @srvobject OUTPUT

    -- Connect to the server

        EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @srvobject, 'LoginSecure', 1

        EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @srvobject, 'Connect', NULL, @@ServerName

    -- Get a pointer to the SQLServer object's Registry object

        EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @srvobject, 'Registry', @object OUT

    -- Get the registry value

        EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @object, @RegKeyProcs, @RegValueProcs OUT

        EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @object, @RegKeyMem, @RegValueMem OUT

    -- PRINT @RegValueProcs

    -- PRINT @RegValueMem

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @srvobject  -- Dispose of the server object

    SET @Server_Name = @@ServerName

    EXECUTE dbo.sp_MSgettools_path @ToolsPath OUT;

    -- ====================================

    DECLARE @MachineName    VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @ProductVersion VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @ProductLevel   VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @Edition        VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @EngineEdition  VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @LicenseType    VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @NumLicenses    VARCHAR(60)

    DECLARE @Instance       VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @InstallPath    VARCHAR(80)

    SELECT @Instance        = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'InstanceName' ))

    SELECT @NumLicenses     = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'NumLicenses' ))

    SELECT @MachineName     = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'MachineName'))

    SELECT @Instance        = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'InstanceName' ))

    SELECT @ProductVersion  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'ProductVersion' ))

    SELECT @ProductLevel    = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'ProductLevel' ))

    SELECT @Edition         = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'Edition' ))

    SELECT @EngineEdition   = (CASE SERVERPROPERTY( 'EngineEdition')

                               WHEN 1 THEN 'Personal or Desktop'

                               WHEN 2 THEN 'Standard'

                               WHEN 3 THEN 'Enterprise'

                               END )

    SELECT @LicenseType     = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'LicenseType' ))

    SELECT @NumLicenses     = CONVERT(VARCHAR(60), SERVERPROPERTY( 'NumLicenses' ))

    -- ====================================


    -- ===================================================================================

    -- ===[ Begin here ]==================================================================

    -- ===================================================================================

    PRINT 'Server Name................: ' + @MachineName

    PRINT 'Instance...................: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@@SERVICENAME)

    PRINT 'Number of Processors.......: ' + @RegValueProcs

    PRINT 'Installed Memory...........: ' + @RegValueMem + ' MB'

    PRINT ''

    PRINT 'Product Version............: ' + @ProductVersion

    PRINT 'Product Level..............: ' + @ProductLevel

    PRINT 'Edition....................: ' + @Edition

    PRINT 'Engine Edition.............: ' + @EngineEdition

    PRINT 'License Type...............: ' + @LicenseType

    PRINT 'Number of Licenses.........: ' + ISNULL(@NumLicenses, 'NULL')

    PRINT ''

    PRINT 'Install Path...............: ' + @dir

    PRINT 'Default Database Directory.: ' + @datadir

    PRINT 'Default Log File Directory.: ' + @logdir

    PRINT 'Default Backup Directory...: ' + @backdir

    PRINT 'Default Tools Directory....: ' + @ToolsPath

    PRINT ''

    PRINT 'Current Date Time..........: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),GETDATE(),100)

    PRINT 'User.......................: ' + USER_NAME()

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''


    -- ====================================

    -- EXEC master..xp_msver

    -- GO

    -- ====================================

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT '+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+'

    --===[ Script End   ]===--


    This will output:




    ¦       Database and Operational System versions.




    ¦       SQL Server Details]


    Server Name................: DELL

    Instance...................: MSSQLSERVER

    Number of Processors.......: 2

    Installed Memory...........: 2047 MB


    Product Version............: 8.00.760

    Product Level..............: SP3

    Edition....................: Personal Edition

    Engine Edition.............: Personal or Desktop

    License Type...............: DISABLED

    Number of Licenses.........: NULL


    Install Path...............: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    Default Database Directory.: C:\HelpDeskDatabase\

    Default Log File Directory.: C:\HelpDeskDatabase\

    Default Backup Directory...: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP

    Default Tools Directory....: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools


    Current Date Time..........: Aug  8 2005  1:57AM

    User.......................: dbo








    Sorry I could not help with the XML

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