How to insert new record in OLAP database from web application

  • I created a cube and i deployed in the server. I'm accessing that cube in Web application. When i insert the new record from web application in to the SQL table it is not inserting in OLAP database. But i created cube using that table only.

    When ever i'm clicking the process button in source file only its taking new record into cube.

    What can i do for that?.

    Kindly help me

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • This is the whole idea, man...

    Although called 'OLAP' (OL stands for ON-LINE), cubes are made for heavy calculations not made in real-time but rather trade accuracy for performance...

    You can schedule your cube processing to short delays, but maybe a cube is not what you need... Maybe you need a simple query for this real-time calc

  • Hi benyos

    Thanks for your reply. I don't know how to automate that.

    I seen in some post to write SQL job and schedule that for automatic upadte. For writing the job we need the process query. I don't know from where we get that query.

    can you guide me please?

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • cubes are made for heavy calculations not made in real-time but rather trade accuracy for performance

    Not sure I fully agree with that, you should have no trade off regarding accuracy.

    Regardless, if you're looking for real-time, close to real time, or really anywhere in between, from SSAS 05 onwards you get support for 'Proactive Caching' (take a look thru Books OnLine). You can chose from settings 'Real-time HOLAP', 'Low Latency MOLAP', 'Scheduled MOLAP' and about 4 others, or opt to set the settings yourself via a Custom approach. You set these *per partition* and therefore can access/view these in BIDS when looking at the Storage Options for a given partition.


  • Not sure I fully agree with that, you should have no trade off regarding accuracy

    Totally agree with you. A better definition would be 'not-so-up-to-date' and not 'inaccurate' as in wrong SUM()

  • Ok, you've lost me - it still sounds to me like you don't believe you can get real-time nor accurate results, which is undoubtedly an opinion you're entitled to but one to which I don't subscribe 🙂


  • Since I'm here to, also, learn from others, and you got many points ahead of me - I'm certain there ARE ways to do that. From my very own narrow point of view and my personal experience, I never considered using cube processing for so-up to date calculations. I used them only for warehousing

    Again: I'm here to learn

    Thanks for the lesson

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