How to i do update/insert to certain fields in a certain order

  • I have 5 Db's...DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, and DB5. Now when an account is created in the front end, I want to be able to capture the account number into a particular table (TBL1) in DB1. So when one account is created in the front end, this is how i want the insert/update to happen in DB1...the table should look like the table below. Then after that is done in DB1, I also want it to do the same thing in the same table (TBL1) that also exists in all the other DB's. How can i put this logic together in SQL?


    ANum | Act | Lead

    12345 | 000 | ABC

    12345 | 000 | DEF

    12345 | 000 | GHI

    12345 | 000 | ABC

    12345 | 001 | DEF

    12345 | 001 | GHI

    12345 | 002 | ABC

    12345 | 002 | DEF

    12345 | 002 | GHI

    the "Act" info would be the same for all the DB's, but the "Lead" info is DB specific. Meaning in DB2, we could have "leads" JKL, MNO, PQR. Hence the "Lead" is different for each DB.

  • Why post twice? It only fragments answers and does not help you in the end.

    Please post further answers here :



  • have you considered replication?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • What timing? I will repost that answer in the other thread.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • sorry guys...when i tried to post on here, it won't let me so i had to do it with the other thread...I guess it posted it anyway after several tries out here before i moved on to post elsewhere

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