How to get this output ?

  • Hi everybody

    I have a requirement like this

    I have a table call Child which looks like following

    ChildId ChildAgeByYear ReferralSoure NoOfReferral

    Ch01 02 Self 2

    Ch01 02 Open 1

    Ch03 02 Self 1

    Now my problem is I need to display the above Child table information like this

    AgeGroup ReferralSoure NoOfReferral

    0 0

    1 0

    2 Self 3

    Open 1

    3 0

    4 0

    I need to count the child age group by child age like, 1, 2, 3, 4, and their ReferralSource and NoOfReferral for each child depends on the ReferralSource

    Any Idea ?



  • /* I always work best with examples, so I've recreated your table (sort of), populated it with some test

       data and then provided a SQL Script to report it the way you want.  There might be a way to do it without

       joining with the in-memory table but I don't know it of the top of my head. */

    if exists (select 1 from  sysobjects where  id = object_id('child_') and   type = 'U') drop table child_


    create table child_(

     childId_ numeric(10,0) not null identity,

        ChildAgeByYear_ integer,

     ReferralSource_ varchar(10),

     NumberOfReferrals_ integer,

     constraint pk_child_ primary key (childID_)



    insert into child_ (ChildAgeByYear_,ReferralSource_,NumberOfReferrals_) values (2,'Self',2)

    insert into child_ (ChildAgeByYear_,ReferralSource_,NumberOfReferrals_) values (2,'Open',1)

    insert into child_ (ChildAgeByYear_,ReferralSource_,NumberOfReferrals_) values (3,'Self',3)

    insert into child_ (ChildAgeByYear_,ReferralSource_,NumberOfReferrals_) values (3,'Open',1)

    insert into child_ (ChildAgeByYear_,ReferralSource_,NumberOfReferrals_) values (1,'Self',2)

    insert into child_ (ChildAgeByYear_,ReferralSource_,NumberOfReferrals_) values (4,'Self',2)


    --select * from child_

    --This is the key part of the script.  You create an in-memory table (could be done with a temp table)

    --and populate it with all the years you want to report on (I suppose 0 to 100 would be sufficient) and

    --then join your real table to the in-memory table and group by the colums you want the "counts/sums" for.


     declare @t_ table (age_ int)

     declare @i_ int

     set @i_ = 0

     while @i_ < 10


      insert into @t_ values (@i_)

      set @i_ = @i_ + 1


     --select * from @t_

     select age_, coalesce(referralsource_,'N/A'), coalesce(sum(numberofreferrals_),0)

      from child_ right outer join @t_ on childagebyyear_ = age_

      group by age_, referralsource_

      order by age_


  • Thank you very much for your kind help, and fast response.

    i could sorted out the sql,

    thanks very much again


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