How to get return from Stored Procedure

  • I have Created a small sp which returns 16 char long unique values

    Look at this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE __sp_UTL_KeyConstructTemp

             @mTableName VARCHAR(64),

                    @mColumnKey VARCHAR(64),

      @mKey NVARCHAR(16) OUTPUT


     DECLARE @strSQL VARCHAR(2000)

     CREATE TABLE #tmpKey(rKey varchar(16))

            SET @strSQL =  'SELECT CASE WHEN Max(' + @mTableName + '.' + @mColumnKey + ') IS NULL THEN ''0000000000000001'' ' + 

             ' ELSE RIGHT(''0000000000000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),MAX(CONVERT(DECIMAL(16,0),' + @mTableName + '.' + @mColumnKey + '))+1),16)'  +

             ' END FROM ' + @mTableName + ' where ' + @mTableName + '.' + @mColumnKey + ' like ''0000%'''

     INSERT INTO #tmpKey EXECUTE (@strSQL)

     Select @mkey = rKey from #tmpKey

    But I don't want to create Temp table #tmpKey

    but i want to use OUTPUT param for this sp, can any body solve my problem




  • It's late Friday and as always I am in a hurry but you should try this:


    SET @strSQL =  'SELECT @mkey = CASE WHEN Max(' + @mTableName + '.' + @mColumnKey + ') IS NULL THEN ''0000000000000001'' ' + 

             ' ELSE RIGHT(''0000000000000000'' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),MAX(CONVERT(DECIMAL(16,0),' + @mTableName + '.' + @mColumnKey + '))+1),16)'  +

             ' END FROM ' + @mTableName + ' where ' + @mTableName + '.' + @mColumnKey + ' like ''0000%'''

      exec sp_executesql @strSQL , @mkey varchar(16) OUTPUT', @mkey OUTPUT



    * Noel

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