How to get output from this sp?

  • One of our vendor supplied applications uses the following sp to add logins for new users.  How can I access the value of @status from this sp?  The closest thing I've been able to figure out is to capture the result in a table by using the execute_statement option of the INSERT command.  The probelm with that approach is that executing the sp as a part of the INSERT command is generating a transaction and the sp_addlogin sp included in the AddEZLogin sp can not be executed within a transaction.

    Example of calling AddEZLogin within INSERT command:

    create table #Status (Status char(1))

    select @SQL = 'exec AddEZPLogin @UserName, @Password, ''master'' '

    insert #Status (Status) exec sp_executesql @SQL, N'@UserName varchar(30), @Password varchar(128), @UserName, @Password

    Any suggestions on how to call AddEZLogin as is and be able to access @status?


    CREATE Procedure AddEZLogin

        @login varchar(128),

        @pwd varchar(128),

        @defdb varchar(128)


        Declare @status char(1)

        IF EXISTS( Select name From master.dbo.sysxlogins Where name = @login ) Begin

            Set @status = 'F'

            Select @status



        exec sp_addlogin @login, @pwd, @defdb

        Set @status = 'S'

        Select @status


  • CREATE Procedure dbo.AddEZLogin

    @login varchar(128),

    @pwd varchar(128),

    @defdb varchar(128)


    IF EXISTS( Select name From master.dbo.sysxlogins Where name = @login ) Begin

    return 1 --failed


    exec sp_addlogin @login, @pwd, @defdb

    return 0 --success


    --try this part in query analyser

    Declare @Return as int

    exec @Return = dbo.AddEZLogin 'log', 'pass', 'dbname'

    Select @Return

  • Thanks for the response.  I really need to be able to call the vendor supplied sp without modifying it.

  • What are you really trying to do?  That is, take a step back and explain a little more, you may be asking the wrong question.

  • I'm trying to write a sp that will, among other things, call AddEZLogin and return to me the value of @status.  Calling the procedure is not a problem, it's trying to determine the value of @status to verify that the procedure completed successfully.  I would really like to use this vendor supplied procedure without making modifications since it is the one that the vendor uses.

    With this application we have 10 databases and the vendor supplied interface for adding new users requires logging in and out of each database.  I'm trying to create a solution so that I can manage users in all databases from a single application.


  • I'll have to have you ask it again too.. because if you can't modify the sp then you're screwed. The only other way around would be to have you write your won little sp that does the same check than the vendor's sp, then call the vendor's sp and then return your return value.

  • if you're writing your own little utility that is only for you and your process (that is you're not passing it on as an aftermarket addon product to this vendor's product), then you can see what their proc does, so just add it.

    That is, what is your utility proc for?  If you want it to check to see if the users exist, the source of the vendor proc tells you how to do that, and if you want to add a user to multiple databases, then you can see the vender is only using the built in SQL server proc to do that, so do it yourself...

    And if you really insist on using the vendor proc, take a look at using xp_cmdshell to call ISQL or OSQL with the -Q option to come back in and exec the proc, capture output to a text file, and examine that at your leisure...

    But I'd do the simple sp_addlogin myself (or query against syslogins).

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