How to format Strings in cells

  • I am going to develop a report that print labels tags.

    i want to display display 3 things in one cells and each need to be format differently.

    For example i want to display Name, Company name and Date .The name should be formated in bigger font then the company name and date need to be smaller than conpmay name

    Name (large size font)

    company names (less size font then name )

    Date (less size font than company)

    like this




    All the Data need to be display in one cell

  • This can't be done in SSRS 2005, but should be possible in 2008 or R2 (i'm not quite sure which one)

    As I have no 2008 or R2 available I can not give you an example on how to accomplish this.

    However: why not split it in 3 cells? That is probably a lot easier to accomplish and maintain.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

  • Not quite sure why it has to be in one cell.

    Try this, drag a List from the toolbar onto the single cell (the cell should be empty) where you want your data to show up. Then drag textboxes from the toolbar onto the List. Give each textbox one of your different data values and format each of the textboxes as you wish.

  • i cant split it into three cells becuase i am priting labels and they need to be in one cell. an example is on this page

    but problem is formting each line differently.


  • Using the techniques above you could have a fixed-format textbox ("cell") per label, and have other objects (using a list for instance) in that "cell" in which you place the data and do the formatting.

    I didn't take the time to totally read the link you provided, as I suppose that will be a good walkthrough on printing labels.

    However: I noticed that the example there is using Reportbuilder, where the previous answers presumed you were using BIDS.

    Please be more specific on the tool and the version you are using (as I pointed out before, 2008 had more formatting options than 2005).

    You might even consider posting an anonimized version of the report and data you are using, so we can help you better.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

  • I also assumed that he was using BIDS as well but turns out that might not be the case. What he needed to achieve can be done very easily in BIDS (SSRS 2008 - no need for R2). No need for list boxes. Not sure about 2005 but in 2008, you can create multiple placeholders in a cell or text box. Placeholders can be on separate lines and can be formatted separately from other placeholders.

  • If you're using 2008 you can use placeholders in cells to apply different formatting. If you're using 2005 I'd go with multiple text boxes unless there's a real compelling arguement why you can only use one.

  • Ah! Placeholders was the word I was looking for in my first reply.

    Tnx for clarifying they are introduced in SSRS2008, not in R2.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

  • I tried to use placeholder ...but it just print the first record and did not go to secod record.

    for example if I have 20 record ..then it just take the first record and print it 20 times does not go the secod record.


  • Ohh its working actually I did not remove the First keyword from the expression.

    Thansk a lot

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