how to format a concanated field at DTS

  • hi guys, i have a small problem, I am doing a dts from an excel spreadsheet to a sql server table. the fields are the area code and the phone number column. I need to concanate these two columns into one column in my sql server table. that part is done; however i also need to format this numbers (right now coming out as 3055625889 instead of (305) 562-5889, I have to do this from the dts point of view, can someone help me??? this is what i have so far..

    i did this in the tranformation active xscript

    Function Main()

     DTSDestination("Account Manager Phone") = DTSSource("ACCT MGR AREA CODE") & "-" &     DTSSource("ACCT.MANAGER PHONE")

    DTSDestination("Top Parent Name") = DTSSource("SYSTEM NAME")

     Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function


    two problems with this transformation:

    1. but my fields that are null are coming out as -

    2. phone numbers (account manager phone) are coming out as 305-5625889.


    help would be greatly apreciate it!!!


  • Hello,

    Coudl not source any data to replicate your scenario. SO tried with this sample


    Function Main()

    x = null

    if isNull(x) then

     Msgbox "Empty"


     Msgbox x

    End If


     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Hope this helps


    Thanks and Regards



  • Function Main()


    OR _



    DTSDestination("Account Manager Phone") = ""


    DTSDestination("Account Manager Phone") = _

    FormatPhoneNumber(DTSSource("ACCT MGR AREA CODE").Value & _

    DTSSource("ACCT.MANAGER PHONE").Value)

    END IF


    Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

    Function FormatPhoneNumber(strPhone)

    ' strPhone parameter is the area code and phone number concatenation

    Dim strNew

    strNew = "(" & Left(strPhone,3) & ") " & Mid(strPhone,4,3) & "-" & Mid(strPhone,7,4)

    FormatPhoneNumber = strNew

    End Function

  • thanks so much Michael!!!! , i put these code but i keep getting an error message that says Duplicate column name "Account Manager.Phone", any ideas why I am getting this error message?


  • Alter your code to use a variable to build the value for the phone number, then assign the variable as the value to the column. That should get rid of the error you are seeing.

  • thanks, but i am a little confused is it that what Michael did in his code?


    Function FormatPhoneNumber(strPhone)

    ' strPhone parameter is the area code and phone number concatenation

    Dim strNew

    strNew = "(" & Left(strPhone,3) & ") " & Mid(strPhone,4,3) & "-" & Mid(strPhone,7,4)

    FormatPhoneNumber = strNew

    End Function

  • i got it to run ok with no errors but now my rows come out with all the fields as nulls, any ideas why?

  • Well, everybody has write a VBScript to you, while you are using ActiveX. Personally I like more ActiveX but in Microsoft world it's more difficult to make things...

    All nulls? strange. A thing that you can try to do is to log inside the script. I do it quite often, using a lookup to a table for logs.


  • thanks everyone i just rewrote the script a little and got it to work perfectly, thanks for all your help, i extremely apreciate it! have a great day

  • Here's a function I just wrote to format phone numbers:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FormatPhone(@inphone varchar(20))

    RETURNS varchar(20)



     declare @outphone varchar(20)

     declare @ext varchar(6)

     declare @pos smallint

     --remove any non-numeric characters

     set @pos = patindex('%[^0-9]%',@inphone)

     while @pos > 0


      set @inphone = stuff(@inphone,@pos,1,'')

      set @pos = patindex('%[^0-9]%',@inphone)


     --remove a leading 1 if exists

     if  charindex('1',@inphone)=1

       set @inphone = stuff(@inphone,1,1,'')

     set @ext = isnull((nullif('x' + substring(@inphone, 11, 5),'x')),'')

     --lpad to 10 with 0's - when area code is not known then (000)

     if datalength(@inphone)<10

      set @inphone = replicate('0',10-datalength(@inphone))+@inphone


     --strip off the extension

      set @inphone = left(@inphone,10)

     --make it pretty

     set @outphone = stuff(stuff(stuff(@inphone,4,0,')'),8,0,'-'),1,0,'(')

     return @outphone + ' ' + @ext



    select dbo.FormatPhone('7361844')

    select dbo.FormatPhone('1(512)7361844')

    select dbo.FormatPhone('1-512-736-1844-311')

    select dbo.FormatPhone('5127361844x311')

    select dbo.FormatPhone('15127361844 311')

    select dbo.FormatPhone('1(512)736-1844 x311')


    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

  • I wrote that function in t-sql for myself today, but you can do the same thing in your activeX Jess.

    When you are on the transformations tab

    remove your automapping

    highlight areacode and phone fields in the source column

    highlight concatenatedphonefield in the destination column

    THEN select new activeX

    You will see a Y shaped arrow connecting the two source fields to the one destination field.  That's what you need to do to correct the error you had regarding duplicate column.

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

  • BTW, a good rule of thumb is to store your data scrubbed and display your data formatted.  In other words, don't format your phone numbers when you import them into your database unless you have a darn good reason.

    The T-SQL function that I wrote is used for display in ASP, but I actually store my phone numbers completely scrubbed with only numeric characters in the them - no spaces, no parens, no dashes, no "ext", etc...

    Have a great weekend!


    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

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