how to find when a table was last used

  • For archiving purposes I'm trying to find redundant tables in a database. Is there a programatic way to find the when table data was

    1. last read

    2. last inserted/updated/deleted


  • I run a server side trace to get this information (it's the only way I've found to capture reads against tables).

    Run the below script, changing the filename, path and filters as appropriate. Run the trace for as long as needs be. You'll then want to bring the data from the files into a table, join against the sysobjects table to add the table names, remove those that you aren't concerned with. You'll then be left with a list of tables, who accessed them, and when.


    /* Created by: SQL Profiler                         */

    /* Date: 05/26/2004  08:08:09 AM         */


    -- Create a Queue

    declare @rc int

    declare @TraceID int

    declare @maxfilesize bigint

    set @maxfilesize = 5

    -- Please replace the text InsertFileNameHere, with an appropriate

    -- filename prefixed by a path, e.g., c:\MyFolder\MyTrace. The .trc extension

    -- will be appended to the filename automatically. If you are writing from

    -- remote server to local drive, please use UNC path and make sure server has

    -- write access to your network share

    exec @rc = sp_trace_create @TraceID output, 2, N'I:\Trace_Files\Metrica_Access_Audit', @maxfilesize, NULL

    if (@rc != 0) goto error

    -- Client side File and Table cannot be scripted

    -- Set the events

    declare @on bit

    set @on = 1

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 48, 1, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 48, 6, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 48, 11, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 48, 12, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 48, 14, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 48, 22, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 49, 1, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 49, 6, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 49, 11, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 49, 12, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 49, 14, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 49, 22, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 51, 1, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 51, 6, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 51, 11, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 51, 12, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 51, 14, @on

    exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 51, 22, @on

    -- Set the Filters

    declare @intfilter int

    declare @bigintfilter bigint

    set @intfilter = 7

    exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 3, 1, 0, @intfilter

    exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 10, 0, 7, N'SQL Profiler'

    set @intfilter = 100

    exec sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 22, 0, 4, @intfilter


    -- Set the trace status to start

    exec sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 1

    -- display trace id for future references

    select TraceID=@TraceID

    goto finish


    select ErrorCode=@rc



    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • wow.

    Thanks Nicholas. Looks good to me.

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