How to find common sounding words in database?

  • hi,

    I want to find common sounding similarity words in database.

    ex. I want to find "Limited" word in database.

    the following words are allready present in database-

    Ltd., Limited, Leemited, Limeeted, Limitted ect

    SO, These words are common sounding like Limited.

    When i execute the querry i want all these words.

    So how can I find it without using " like " ?

    Thanks & Regards.

  • May I suggest that you read the topics in Books On Line (BOL) titled Full-Text Search... be prepared there is a lot to read, but you should be able to answer your question. In addition search SQL ServerCentral for example here is a good starting article:

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  • Hi,

    I would suggest using functions like soundex and difference.

    Here is an example:

    create table #temporaryNames ( names varchar(128) null)

    insert #temporaryNames

    select 'Ltd.'

    union select 'Limited'

    union select 'Leemited'

    union select 'Limeeted'

    union select 'Limitted'

    union select 'Lighthouse'

    union select 'Lift'

    union select 'Likelihood'

    select names from #temporaryNames where difference(names, 'limited')=4

    In this example, 4 is the lowest possible difference. You could lower the threshold (E.g. >=3) if required.


  • hi,

    use the full-text functionality of the sqlserver 2005. check this link[/url]

    might be useful to you.


  • Full text is probably the way to go, but a soundex (in-built function) my be of some use to you.


  • agree, take a look at soundex and full text search. Both have some value and may match your needs.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

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