How to determine earliest date for a group of records

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to determine the earliest start date for a set of records. Here is what the records look like:

    Column1 Column 2 Column3

    1000007323 002666 1997-10-16

    1000007323 005846 1998-12-23

    1000007323 008038 1998-12-23

    1000007323 010046 2000-02-01

    1000007323 040341 1991-04-01

    1000007323 071634 1990-05-01

    Now, I know I can do a MIN(Column3) and group by Column1 and it will return a date of 1990-05-01 for the value in Column1. What I really want returned back is the earliest start date(column3) but what value in column2 it is attached to - for example 071634 has the earliest start date for the value in Column1. If I group by Column2 it will return back all columns because thay all satisfy the mininum.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • For future reference, please read through this for the best way to post to get fast replies.

    Now this isn't tested, cause no table structure was posted, but should work with minimal tweaking.

    Select Col1, Col2, Col3


    (SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, Row_number() Over (Partition by Col1 Order By Col3) As RowNo

    FROM SomeTable) Sub

    WHERE RowNo = 1

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • You can try something like this. With this query if there are two records with same minimum date then it will return two records

    select table1.*

    from table1,

    ( select min(column3) column3

    from table1

    ) x

    where table1.column3=x.column3

    Here table1 is assumed as name of the table having data.

    See if it works for you.

  • Yes that did the trick. Thanks ever so much.

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