how to copy tables in a particular order

  • Hi,

    I got two databases named A and B

    A got tables like A1,A2,A3,A4

    now i want to copy some tables in database A to database B in a particular order..



    so how can i do that...i'm using import export wizard to copy them but i set the order in whihc they need to be copied. By using import export wizard the sequence is A1,A2,A3

    but i want the sequence like A1,A4,A2 for some reasons.

  • do A1,A2,A3 are table name???

    if the structure of tables in both databases is same you can use simple T-SQL command like

    insert into A1 Select * from A.dbo.A1.

    if you can share the table structure then your we can provide you the solution quickly

  • You have to define separate steps in a package to do this. You can either use the export wizard and run it multiple times, or save the package it generates, copy the connections and tasks for each table, and set some precedence for them to move.

  • The wizard loads up to 5 tables simultaneously, so as Steve describes, you will need to set it up manually, or modify the saved package created by the wizard to connect each step in sequence.

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