How to convert a column data type in an Update statement




    ConsumerTypeID = D.Consumertype_ID,

    UserID = D.USER_ID

    From DimABCD rc

    JOIN [bidw].[dbo].[TempConsumer] D ON rc.UID = D.V_ID

    here the column UserID(varchar) has empty's in Tempconsumer table. and its an int column in DimABCD table.

    so can you please tell me how to use convert statement and load emptys into an int column in this query.

  • crazekalyan (1/26/2011)




    ConsumerTypeID = D.Consumertype_ID,

    UserID = D.USER_ID

    From DimABCD rc

    JOIN [bidw].[dbo].[TempConsumer] D ON rc.UID = D.V_ID

    here the column UserID(varchar) has empty's in Tempconsumer table. and its an int column in DimABCD table.

    so can you please tell me how to use convert statement and load emptys into an int column in this query.

    Just check if the below sql suits your requirement, this would insert NULL's for what ever is not a numeric value, you can replace null with what ever you want.



    ConsumerTypeID = D.Consumertype_ID,

    UserID = CASE WHEN isnumer(D.USER_ID)=1 THEN D.USER_ID ELSE null

    From DimABCD rc

    JOIN [bidw].[dbo].[TempConsumer] D ON rc.UID = D.V_ID


  • Thanks sriram, but i need the emptys to be loaded into the dimabdc table for USERID column.

  • hmmm, I dont think "hmmm" is right response, but I dont think thats possible to insert " " space in int column, if we have to use a " " then why to use int, does take my understanding with respect to dbms concepts to a toss 🙂

    even if you try to insert " " ... that would go down as "0" and not a space...

    looking at your table names ..I feel you are working on a datawarehouse.. not sure why you want to get empty spaces into you dw ... when you want to have a int column, if you really need it, may be go for a varchar column.


  • You have to make a choice. What does an empty string mean as an integer? Is it NULL? Is it 0? You have to supply something because a number can't be just blank. It's NULL or a value, even if that value is zero.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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