How to consolidate 6 sqlservers to a 2-node cluster ?

  • I currently have to define the hardware-needs to consolidate 6 win2000 sql2000 sqlservers (5 oltp/ 1 olap) to a 2-node cluster environment. (total start capacity 200Gb affective data expected to extend the olap part from 1 year of data to as much the drives (san) can take.)

    I hope to be able to implement 64-bit (SS2005) with this occasion, but for that I have to deliver a TCO/ROI kind of report.

    I currently started some perfmon en profiler traces to gather the numbers.

    Do you have any templates, guidelines to handle these kind of requests ?

    I already like the doc provided in the forum's Project Plan



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  • One set of cost savings for your ROI calcs, are going from licensing for 6 instances of SQL to 2.

    Beyond that I can't provide much insight other than - be careful and make sure you have plenty of capacity to run all 6 on 1 node when failover occurs. Are you going with Active/Passive, or Active/Active. Either way, be prepared for having plenty of capacity to run on 1 node.

    Best of Luck

    ChrisB MCDBA OCP

    Chris Becker

  • Thanks for your input.

    That is indeed a section that is in my checklist


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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