How to Connect to a SQL 2005 Server When You Are Completely Locked Out

  • If a hacker wants to read this article thinking they can use it to hack into SQL Server databases, then they will be disappointed.

    The title is fine.

  • removing builtin\admin account is becoming more and more common.

    It is interesting you mention that, you are right. We sure don't want an outsourced IT domain admin accessing databases unlimitedly. However, this was an original feature, but now it has become an unwanted feature (due to its time, if I remember correctly before you could not even remove it). Has anybody (Microsoft MVPs) brought it up at PASS summit? What does Microsoft say?

  • If you have the admin access on the server you could just stop the services, copy the mdf's and move them somewhere else. I wouldn't worry so much about the server side of things, just control what you can.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Hi Rudy,

    Thanks for the article.

    If you check out MS article, it is similar to your solution. At the end of MS article, it says 'Important The method that is described in this article is a new feature in SQL Server 2005. You cannot disable this feature. However, use other methods to add a Windows user to the sysadmin fixed server role if other methods are available. For example, if you have a different login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, use this different login to log on to the instance. Then, add the Windows user to the sysadmin fixed server role.'

    Personally I think this is not a feature, but a backdoor security hole. I have tested this 'feature' long time ago and found that as long as you are in local administrators group, even though your domain account DOES NOT have any access to SQL, you can still grant your domain account or any account as 'sysadmin' role using the 'feature' mentioned in MS article.

    Anyway, I think MS should disable this 'feature'. I tested on SQL 2008 and this 'feature' still there.

    Best Regards,


  • Got an idea for a great title for this one: how about....

    "How to get in to SQL Server via back-door?" (because you don't have to use your regular account to do so, it is a kind of hacking)

    David is smart. That is exactly right.

    How would this feature pass SOX audit? which is trying to control access.

  • Removing access to the servers BUILTIN\Adminstrators group to an IT Infrastrure team just so they cannot create a login to SQL Server will be like not allowing DBA's access to some databases even though they have sysadmin role on the database server.

    Remember, only those who are already administrators can perform this technique. Joe Blogs in Finance will never be able to grant themselves access to the database by trying this for two reasons. 1. He is not a BUILTIN\Admin on the server, and 2. He should not really have any login access to the windows server itself at all.

    If you are worried that someone is going to hack into your sql servers, then you really need to address your current security policy at your site first.

  • you are worried that someone is going to hack into your sql servers

    That is correct for Joe in Finance. To prevent Joe from excessive previledge, you can worry less, he is not in BUILTIN\Admin.

    However, any of you are involved in SOX audit? Windows local admin should not have a way to grant himself/herself access database. That is why SOX review security admin server role.

  • If a SOX Audit requires that an administrator on a Windows Server not be able to grant himself access to a SQL Server, then please ask Microsoft to remove the single-user mode described in this article, as that is exactly what it "can" be used for.

  • If a SOX Audit requires that an administrator on a Windows Server not be able to grant himself access to a SQL Server

    That question is right on!!! (how much local admin should have and still meets the restricted access standard) If I face off a smart auditor and the scenario comes up auditing or being audited, I will post here.

  • If you are running SQL on Windows 7 or Vista and have UAC enabled, then you need to run the command window as Administrator otherwise you will receive errors running sqlservr.exe in single user mode.

    Great life saving article though!!


  • Congratulations on Rudy Panigas' EXCELLENT article! It is precise and just helped quite a hectic situation

  • Thank you for your kind words. Glad to see that my article help you out.

    I'm hoping to write more in 2010 and that people find the new article(s) useful.

    Look for my article in "The Best of SQL Server Central Volume 7" on DAC (Dedicated Administrator Connection) and what you can do when connected to a sad SQL server.

    Finally, you find some time, you too should write an article.



  • That's a keeper, Rudy. Very nicely written, too! Thanks.

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  • How To export To Excel data From Database in sql server 2005

  • In this scenario, start the SQL server in single user mode. When server starts in single user mode, all the builit admins of the machine will be the admins of SQL Server in single user mode.. So once logged in, you can add any other user as the admin..

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