How to compare two tables from two servers.

  • Hello...the scenario is as it follows...

    Two servers (A and B) .

    A = development

    B = Production

    Tables on development are constantly changing it desing so its hard to keep track of all the changes. Is there any way to compare the two tables to know if there is any change?

    little question: in the tab navigation menú (the one on the right by default), how can i make that MS shows the server i´m consulting ?? it only shows the schema y and table name...that´s a little confusing when i´m working.

    Thanks in advance.

  • by changing, do you mean schema changes, ie new columns, defaults,constraints, datatype changes, etc, or do you mean data changes, like new rows of data,others updated/deleted


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  • Lowell (11/26/2009)

    by changing, do you mean schema changes, ie new columns, defaults,constraints, datatype changes, etc, or do you mean data changes, like new rows of data,others updated/deleted

    i mean schema changes, columns defaults etc.... i believe that´s called table design or not ??

  • There are manual ways to do it, sure, but if you're going to be working with staged dev/test/production databases, you need to know about Red Gate SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare. These two tools will pay for themselves in no time.

    As the upper right corner of this website says, they sponsor this site, but I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't absolutely love their software. It saves my team immeasurable amounts of time. It's hard to quantify. It also gives you that peace of mind knowing that you didn't forget to deploy a sproc or a new view.

  • It will take long time if your table has lot of columns and many data types, here I'm talking for the structure of the table and all other objects related to that table.

    So the better solution is the third part application for compering like RedGate Compere or you can find many other application for compering everything between 2 DBs or 2 Servers and DBs inside them!


  • And I will give my vote to RedGate SQL Compare for schema and objects, and RedGate Data Compare for comparing the data in tables.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • thanks guys! i´ll check it....

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