How to change PW in Disconnected Edit mode?

  • I am trying to change a DTSpackage to run on a server. In Disconnected Edit I can change most properties, but for the password. How to do that? I have tried searching BOL, could not find a solution; maybe I'm not using the right SARGs.


    Hans Brouwer

  • What type of connection are you using?

  • I am using an ODBC DSN from Sybase ASE ODBC driver. But does that matter? I can change all kinds of properties when in Disconnect mode, except for this passwordproblem?

    Hans Brouwer

  • If you are trying to change the database connection password then this will depend on your connection type. If you are connecting via ODBC via and OLEDB connection then look under OLEDB properties under each connection in disconnected edit and there is a password property that can be changed.

    However I can't believe this problem is so simple. Can you give more specific details of what you are trying to do?

  • If you are talking about the Package Password...not connection passwords... You cannot change that password via disconnected edit.  Use the "Save As..." function in the menu.

    -Mike Gercevich

  • I am not talking about a Package PW. I am talking about the PW used in the connectiontask.

    When I look in the properties of this specific connection, I can see Password and UserID. When looking at the props of these I can see, among others, PropertySet with a meaningless string(to me), and the prop Value, which is empty...

    Hans Brouwer

  • Have you tried typing a password into the property value?

  • 'Have you tried typing a password into the property value?'

    Yes I have, it makes no difference, login failed. And keep in mind, that a PW has been set when making the connection, so I should expect to see a PW. Then again, I can understand a PW should not be visible for everyone. On the other hand, the same propsettings as mentioned in my previous post go for something like UserID, which is not such a big secret.

    Hans Brouwer

  • I thought you might have tried that

    I don't have the Sysbase ASE ODBC driver to try this. Could it be using Intergrated NT security like you can use with the SQL Server ODBC driver. This doesn't show any value for the UserID as expected and setting a password wouldn't work.

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