How to change database in DTS in run time.

  • I would like to create DTS package, which would change database in run time.

    Call should be made from Stored procedure. I create Global Variable and Dynamic property in the package. To send parameters I using that code:

    -- Send Parameter

    EXEC @hr = master..sp_OASetProperty @oPKG, 'GlobalVariables("DatabaseName").Value', @DatabaseName

    Procedure taken from that site and works fine without Global Variables.

    I execute SP from Query Analyzer and get :”The command(s) completed successfully.”

    But it actually not.

    Appreciate for any advise.

  • The best way to change the database connection in the DTS pacakage at run time is using .UDL file. If you define a DataLink task at design time and supply a UDL file with proper server/database connections it can change databases. I am not sure If I am answering the right question.

    If you are looking at changing the databases at run time within a task you could use a 3 point naming convention database.owner.table.

    Please let me have more details as to what is the scenario in which you are trying to use this.


  • Thank you I will try.

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