How to capture SQL 2008 sqlcmd.exe output to a log file in PowerShell 2.0

  • I'm writing a PowerShell 2.0 script that calls SQL Server 2008 sqlcmd.exe, and I am looking for a way to capture output from sqlcmd.exe to a log file. I've tried conventional redirection (">", "2>&1", etc.), "| Output-File", Start-Transcript, etc. Ideally, I would like to emulate the way you can redirect the output from osql.exe in a cmd.exe script to a text file with ">". Since we are building new hardware for our SQL 2008 environments, I would like to avoid using older cmd.exe and osql.exe technology. At this point, I don't see value in re-writing our SQL 2005 T-SQL (.sql) scripts so that they can run under SQLPS.

    So far, Start-Transcript has come the closest to our needs, but it does not capture T-SQL print statements or SQL Backup progress messages that display on the PowerShell console when sqlcmd.exe executes a T-SQL script. I've tried the "-r1" switch, but it gets ignored in the following example from my script:

    sqlcmd.exe -S $DatabaseConnection_STR -E -w600 -b -d dba -r1 -i $TempInputFile_NME

    Any ideas?

  • Why not just use the output parameter for sqlcmd itself?

    sqlcmd.exe -S $DatabaseConnection_STR -E -w600 -b -d dba -r1 -i $TempInputFile_NME -o $OutputFile_Name

    Jeffrey Williams
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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Hi,

    I really do not understand your question, can you explain better ?

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • I dont Know if I understand , But If you want to capture the output from sqlcmd to txt file, you can use the -o from sqlcmd..but in powershell you can try :

    $a = "sqlcmd.exe -s MyServer -d master -Q ""SELECT TOP 10 name from spt_values"""

    Invoke-expression $a | Out-File c:\temp\testsqlcmd.txt

    or using -o from sqlcmd

    $Server = "Myserver"

    $Database = "MAster"

    $Query = """SELECT TOP 10 name from spt_values"""

    $OutputFile = "C:\temp\testesqlcmd.txt"

    $a = "sqlcmd.exe -s $Server -d $database -Q $query -o $OutputFile "

    Invoke-expression $a

    But I firmly believe you can use Invoke-Sqlcmd

    $Query = "SELECT TOP 10 name from spt_values"

    invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $Database -Query $Query | Out-File c:\temp\testesqlcmd.txt

    I dont know, I think I do not understant your problem

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • Jeffrey Williams-493691 (5/1/2010)

    Why not just use the output parameter for sqlcmd itself?

    sqlcmd.exe -S $DatabaseConnection_STR -E -w600 -b -d dba -r1 -i $TempInputFile_NME -o $OutputFile_Name

    In addition to performing database backups, the script does some "housekeeping" tasks related to the backups. If possible, I would like to have a single log to reference if anything fails and I need to debug what happened.

    I had already thought about using -o and "cat"ing the output in my script, but that messes up the output if you run the script manually, which I would be doing if I needed to debug it at some point in the future.

  • Laerte Poltronieri Junior-367636 (5/1/2010)


    I really do not understand your question, can you explain better ?

    Here is the long version.

    - All of our SQL Server backups go to disk and subsequently get picked up to tape by NetBackup

    - Our tape backup team has a long (multi-year) history of backing up open files and calling the backups "good," despite a multitude of re-education attempts by the DBAs to help them understand that a NetBackup backup of "in use" .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf files will be corrupt when anyone tries to restore that backup; in like fashion, a NetBackup of an "in use" SQL Server database backup files (.bak, .trn) will likely be corrupt as well

    - In an attempt to stop the NetBackup insanity, we are implementing a directory rotation scheme that writes the "live" SQL backups to "DirA"; when finished, the script renames DirA to DirA.01, etc.; even if NetBackup backs up DirA while it is open, DirA should be renamed to DirA.01 (and be "closed") by the time NetBackup comes along the next night; so, at that point, we should have a good copy of what used to be in DirA on tape; each evening, DirA.01 gets renamed to DirA.02 and so on--eventually, we should have several nights of "closed" backups on tape, in case we need them

    A stripped down version of my script does something like this:

    mkdir DirA

    sqlcmd.exe -S ... -E -Q "backup database [dba] to disk = N'D:\DirA\dba_2010-05-02_002436.bak'" ...

    rmdir DirA.03 -recurse

    mv DirA.02 DirA.01

    mv DirA.01 DirA.02

    mv DirA DirA.01

    mkdir DirA

    This script will eventually be scheduled with Task Scheduler, and I would like to be able to capture all of the activity (PowerShell and sqlcmd.exe) in a single log file so that I can use the log file as a road map to debug whatever went wrong in a prior run.

  • I did not think much on how to join the output of sqlcmd with powershell, but there is a possible solution made in powershell for everything (not test with the script you send its ok, just rewrite in powershell)

    $Server = $env:computername

    $Database = "master"

    $LogFile = "c:\temp\testsqlcmd.txt"




    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path c:\dirA -Force -ErrorAction Stop

    "New Path c:\DirA created with success" | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    $Query = "BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = N'C:\temp\master.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'master-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10"

    invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $Database -Query $query -ErrorAction Stop

    "Database Master backuped with success " | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    Remove-Item -Path c:\dirA -ErrorAction Stop

    "Path c:\dirA removed with success" | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    Move-Item -Path c:\dirA.02 -Destination c:\dirA.01 -ErrorAction Stop

    "c:\dirA.02 moved to c:\dirA.01 with success " | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    Move-Item -Path c:\dirA.01 -Destination c:\dirA.02 -ErrorAction Stop

    "c:\dirA.01 moved to c:\dirA.02 with success " | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    Move-Item -Path c:\dirA -Destination c:\dirA.01 -ErrorAction Stop

    "c:\dirA moved to c:\dirA.01 with success " | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path c:\dirA -Force -ErrorAction Stop

    "New Path c:\DirA created with success" | Out-File $LogFile -Append

    } catch {

    $Error | Out-File $LogFile -Append


    The -erroraction in each cmdlet to stop send script execution to catch block and log the error.

    Hope can help 🙂

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • Laerte Poltronieri Junior-367636 (5/2/2010)

    I did not think much on how to join the output of sqlcmd with powershell, but there is a possible solution made in powershell for everything (not test with the script you send its ok, just rewrite in powershell)...

    Hmmm.... This looks very interesting. I plan to check it out later today. Thanks for the code!

  • Laerte Poltronieri Junior-367636 (5/2/2010)

    I did not think much on how to join the output of sqlcmd with powershell, but there is a possible solution made in powershell for everything (not test with the script you send its ok, just rewrite in powershell)...

    I think this is going to work. Thanks for your help! Here is the syntax I am using for a quick and dirty test:

    start-transcript temp.txt

    write-host "test"

    $Server = "server_name\instance_name"

    $Database = "db_name"

    $LogFile = "c:\temp\testsqlcmd.txt"


    $Query = "select * from junk"

    invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $Database -Query $query -ErrorAction Stop


    In this example, temp.txt contains the output from "write-host" and the output from invoke=sqlcmd:

    cat temp.txt


    Windows PowerShell Transcript Start

    Start time: 20100502155439

    Username : MOUNTAIN\DBAJPS1

    Machine : MOUNTAIN (Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2)


    Transcript started, output file is temp.txt











    Windows PowerShell Transcript End

    End time: 20100502155439


  • Great 🙂

    I used messages and out-file just to format the text ...

    Glad to help 🙂

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • I resolved a similar issue while building an infrastructure script to process T-SQL batch files. I encountered many issues trying to programmatically capture the error message from sqlcmd.exe. Attempted to use the invoke-sqlcmd cmdlet in SQLPS because the error code is easy to capture programmatically. I abandoned invoke-sqlcmd, however, due to the limitations with capturing results and messages from the T-SQL queries.

    My Requirements


    Requirement #1 - Trap the error returned from the sqlcmd call in Powershell.

    Requirement #2 - Write any error messages to a designated log file.

    Requirement #3 - Save all results and processing (PRINT) messages returned from each T-SQL command executed through sqlcmd.

    My Solution


    This implementation wraps the sqlcmd call in the INVOKE-COMMAND cmdlet. The following Powershell command invokes the sqlcmd.exe utility and executes two T-SQL statements. The 1st succeeds and the 2nd fails during the same session. The whole operation fails but only after query #1 returns data - and I want to capture this data!

    Requirement #1 is addressed by setting the -r0 and -b sqlcmd parameters. They redirect error messages to the standard output stream and set the ERRORLEVEL variable, respectively. Parameter -r0 causes Powershell to save the error message in the $Error[0].Exception object. Parameter -b sets the $LASTEXITCODE environment variable.

    Requirement #2 is addressed using the 2> redirection operator from Windows. The redirection operator is located inside of the -scriptblock parameter as part of the sqlcmd. This effectively pushes the error stream to the ScriptError.txt file.

    Requirement #3 is addressed by piping all standard output the ScriptOutput.txt using the out-file cmdlet. The -e sqlcmd parameter echoes the T-SQL statement to the standard output stream


    Powershell Command


    INVOKE-COMMAND -scriptblock {sqlcmd -S .\SQL2008R2 -E -Q 'SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases;SELECT TOP 10 * FROM sys.columnses;' -r0 -b -e 2> "C:\ScriptError.txt"} | out-file "C:\ScriptOutput.txt"


    Powershell Results



    $ERROR[0].Exception.Message = Invalid object name 'sys.columnses'.




    SQLCMD.EXE : Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Server CONNEMARA\SQL2008R2, Line 1

    At line:1 char:36

    + INVOKE-COMMAND -scriptblock {sqlcmd <<<< -S .\SQL2008R2 -E -Q 'SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases;SELECT TOP 10 * FROM sys.columnses;' -r0 -b -e 2> "C:\Users\Maste

    rChief\Documents\vbb5spc.err"} | out-file "C:\Users\MasterChief\Documents\vbb5spc.txt"

    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Msg 208, Level ...L2008R2, Line 1:String) [], RemoteException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

    Invalid object name 'sys.columnses'.




    SELECT [name] FROM master.sys.databases;SELECT TOP 10 * FROM sys.columnses;










    (7 rows affected)

    I hope this helps!

  • Steve, that is fantastic! Thank you very much. I wasted hours looking for ways to run a folder full of SQL scripts with GO commands in them via PowerShell. Invoke-sqlcmd makes detecting errors a serious pain, and the POSH community written version of Invoke-sqlcmd2 does not parse the GO keyword as a batch terminator, and returns "Incorrect syntax near 'GO'" errors.

    I was looking at writing code to read each SQL script line by line, and execute the buffer of commands each time it reached a GO, then skip to the next line when I stumbled across this post, and your fabulous answer.

    I hope I've embedded enough keywords in this post to make it easy for others attempting the same kind of thing to find!

    I ended up omitting the nifty 2> error output redirect (and the -r0 parameter), since it created a file even when there were no errors. Instead, I just piped the $Error[0].Exception.Message to Out-File to write the SQL error to an error file, and I placed that inside an if($LastExitCode -eq 1) {}, so I only see error files when there are errors.

    Works a charm!


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