How to call a SSIS job from another SSIS job

  • Hi,

    In my project i have a SQL server agent job which executes a SSIS package . Once the job completes successfully i want to call another SSIS job automatically. How can i do that.

  • I would add a second step to the job that called the first package.


  • Add a second step in your first job. There, you can use T-SQL with a stored procedure to call the other job:



    EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'My other job'


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  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]

    Or you can add 'execute package task' (pointing to 2ng ssis package) in the first ssis package which will run on success of the end task of first package.


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]--

  • I like the idea of kicking off a separate job using T-SQL step in the Job. This makes it easy to re-run in case of the package failure. You just need to execute the step that failed.


    Amol Naik

  • These are all valid methods that I would use.

    Personally have each package in seperate job steps in order, if a step fails then fail the job.

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