How to Calculate Time for datetime datatype ?

  • Hi All,

    Please help me.

    I have a column which is saving TIME in hh:mm:ss data type is datetime.

    I need get total hour from this column, have any function or formula to use calculate time value ?

    Example :

    Empl_Date Empl_code Estimate_Hours

    ---------- --------- -------------------------

    2002-10-20 JAA0001 1900-01-01 03:30:00.000

    2002-11-20 JAA0001 1900-01-01 01:30:00.000

    2002-12-20 JAA0001 1900-01-01 02:15:00.000

    -------Total Hours : 1900-01-01 06:15:00.000 (how to sum(Hours) ?)



  • Do you want to just sum the hours or the whole time value?

    To just sum the hours: -

    select sum(datepart(hh,Estimate_Hours)) from Table

    I think you want to sum the whole time value (07:15:00.000 in your example??). This is more difficult, I'm not sure it can be done without a complex algorithm.


    Andy Jones


  • I think this will do it, not sure if there is a simpler way: -


    convert(varchar(2),sum (datepart(hh,Estimate_Hours)) + (sum(datepart(mi,Estimate_Hours)) + sum(datepart(ss,Estimate_Hours)) / 60) / 60)


    +convert(varchar(2),(sum(datepart(mi,Estimate_Hours)) + sum(datepart(ss,Estimate_Hours)) / 60) % 60)


    +convert(varchar(2),sum(datepart(ss,Estimate_Hours)) % 60)

    from Table2

    (Returns a string)


    Andy Jones


  • Also try these 2 (sorry I rolled into one but gives 2 output)

    First output column is houtrs expressed as total hours and hundredths of an hour and will span days. Your example will out 7.25.

    The second output is expressed as a string in the format hhh:mm:ss. You example will output 7:15:00. This also will span more than one day so 30 hours 15 minutes will output 30:15:00.


    CAST(((datediff(day,'1/1/1900',dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) * 24) + datepart(hh,dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) + (datepart(minute,dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) / 60.0)) as numeric(10,2)) as totalhoursdecimal,

    CAST((datediff(day,'1/1/1900',dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) * 24) + datepart(hh,dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) as VARCHAR(5)) + ':' + CAST(CAST(datepart(minute,dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) as VARCHAR(2)) + '0' as char(2)) + ':' + CAST(CAST(datepart(s,dateadd(s,sum(datediff(s, '1/1/1900',Estimate_Hours)), '1/1/1900')) as VARCHAR(2)) + '0' as char(2)) as totalhhmmssinstring

    from Table2

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