How to Calculate Costed Bill Of Material

  • I have a multilevel Bill of Material (BOM). I am trying to write a recursive CTE to calculate the cost of the parent based on the components. I have created a CTE which returns the costs of every item in the BOM. I want to only include the lowest level items and not any parent items in the cost.

    I have constructed two tables, BOM and ItemCost. At the end of my post I have posted the code to create the tables and populate them.

    Here is my CTE

    with MstrTable as (

    Select Bom.Compitemno,BOM.qtyperparent,ItemCost.Cost,BOM.qtyperparent*ItemCost.Cost as QtyCost from BOM

    inner join ItemCost

    On Bom.Compitemno = ItemCost.ItemNo

    where BOM.itemno = 'Parent1'

    union all

    Select B.Compitemno,B.qtyperparent,ItemCost.cost,MstrTable.qtyperparent * B.qtyperparent * ItemCost.cost as QtyCost from BOM B

    inner join MstrTable on mstrtable.compitemno = B.ItemNo

    Inner join ItemCost

    on B.CompItemNo = ItemCost.ItemNo


    select * from mstrtable

    This returns the result set:


    Parent2 4 190 760

    Item1 1 10 10

    Item2 2 20 40

    Item2 5 20 400 <Component cost of Parent2

    Item3 3 30 360 <Component cost of Parent2

    Sorry about the formatting...

    As you can see the problem is Parent2 appears in the list. The components for Parent2, Item2 and Item3 also appear in the list. If I were to do a Sum, the value of Parent2 would be captured twice.

    How do I prevent Parent2 from being counted twice?

    The maximum number of levels in my BOM can be 11.

    Create and populate sample tables.







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ItemCost](

    [ItemNo] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Cost] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BOM](

    [ItemNo] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [CompItemNo] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [QtyPerParent] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    Insert into BOM(ItemNo,CompItemNo,QtyPerParent) values ('Parent1','Item1',1)

    Insert into BOM(ItemNo,CompItemNo,QtyPerParent) values ('Parent1','Parent2',4)

    Insert into BOM(ItemNo,CompItemNo,QtyPerParent) values ('Parent1','Item2',2)

    Insert into BOM(ItemNo,CompItemNo,QtyPerParent) values ('Parent2','Item3',3)

    Insert into BOM(ItemNo,CompItemNo,QtyPerParent) values ('Parent2','Item2',5)

    Insert into ItemCost (ItemNo,Cost) values('Parent1',790)

    Insert into ItemCost (ItemNo,Cost) values('Parent2',190)

    Insert into ItemCost (ItemNo,Cost) values('Item1',10)

    Insert into ItemCost (ItemNo,Cost) values('Item2',20)

    Insert into ItemCost (ItemNo,Cost) values('Item3',30)

  • The following query gives the result I want. But I consider it a ham fisted approach. I am sure there must be a better way and I would appreciate it someone would post a better approach.

    with MstrTable as (

    Select Bom.Compitemno,BOM.qtyperparent,ItemCost.Cost,BOM.qtyperparent*ItemCost.Cost as QtyCost,Bom.compItemNo as ParentItemNo from BOM

    inner join ItemCost

    On Bom.Compitemno = ItemCost.ItemNo

    where BOM.itemno = 'Parent1'

    union all

    Select B.Compitemno,B.qtyperparent,ItemCost.cost,MstrTable.qtyperparent * B.qtyperparent * ItemCost.cost as QtyCost, MstrTable.compitemno as ParentItemNo from BOM B

    inner join MstrTable on mstrtable.compitemno = B.ItemNo

    Inner join ItemCost

    on B.CompItemNo = ItemCost.ItemNo


    select SUM(qtyCost) from (


    SUM(QtyCost) as QtyCost from MstrTable

    where ParentItemNo <> compitemno

    union all

    Select SUM(QtyCost) as QtyCost from MstrTable

    where ParentItemNo not in (


    distinct parentItemNo from MstrTable

    where ParentItemNo <> compitemno

    )) a

  • Further testing on more complicated BOM's show that the above response does not return the correct results.

    Creating a BOM listing or an indented BOM is well documented on this and other web sites. But there is a peculiarity of the Costed BOM that does not fit these other examples.

    If we just summed the Total Cost for Parent 1 in the above image, the cost for Parent 2 would be captured twice. It would be captured by the third row, $ 760 and then a second time when the component items of parent 2 are added together, row 4 & 5 ($360+$400).

    The above solution does not eliminate this duplication. The query needs to eliminate the cost of the any Parent items in the BOM explosion. This will leave only the component costs.

    One way to accomplish this is by returning a unique list of Parent Item numbers from the BOM table and Excluding them from the results query.

    with MstrTable (CompITemNo, QtyPerParent,ItemCost,QtyCost,ParentItemNo) as


    Select Bom.Compitemno,BOM.qtyperparent,ItemCost.Cost,BOM.qtyperparent*ItemCost.Cost as QtyCost,Bom.ItemNo as ParentItemNo from BOM

    inner join ItemCost

    On Bom.Compitemno = ItemCost.ItemNo

    where BOM.itemno = 'Parent1'

    union all

    Select B.Compitemno,B.qtyperparent,ItemCost.cost,cte.qtyperparent * B.qtyperparent * ItemCost.cost as QtyCost, cte.compitemno as ParentItemNo

    from BOM B

    inner join MstrTable cte

    on cte.compitemno = B.ItemNo

    Inner join ItemCost

    on B.CompItemNo = ItemCost.ItemNo



    sum(QtyCost) as TotalCostOfBOM

    from MstrTable

    where CompITemNo not in (

    Select Distinct ItemNo from BOM


    There may be a way to eliminate these Parent rows directly from the CTE results. If anyone know of a way, please post it here.

    I couldn't find a place for search tags, so I added the line below.

    Costed Bill Of Material, Costed BOM, Bill Of Material Costing, BOM Costing

  • mpdillon (11/16/2014)

    Further testing on more complicated BOM's show that the above response does not return the correct results.

    Creating a BOM listing or an indented BOM is well documented on this and other web sites. But there is a peculiarity of the Costed BOM that does not fit these other examples.

    If we just summed the Total Cost for Parent 1 in the above image, the cost for Parent 2 would be captured twice. It would be captured by the third row, $ 760 and then a second time when the component items of parent 2 are added together, row 4 & 5 ($360+$400).

    The above solution does not eliminate this duplication. The query needs to eliminate the cost of the any Parent items in the BOM explosion. This will leave only the component costs.

    One way to accomplish this is by returning a unique list of Parent Item numbers from the BOM table and Excluding them from the results query.

    with MstrTable (CompITemNo, QtyPerParent,ItemCost,QtyCost,ParentItemNo) as


    Select Bom.Compitemno,BOM.qtyperparent,ItemCost.Cost,BOM.qtyperparent*ItemCost.Cost as QtyCost,Bom.ItemNo as ParentItemNo from BOM

    inner join ItemCost

    On Bom.Compitemno = ItemCost.ItemNo

    where BOM.itemno = 'Parent1'

    union all

    Select B.Compitemno,B.qtyperparent,ItemCost.cost,cte.qtyperparent * B.qtyperparent * ItemCost.cost as QtyCost, cte.compitemno as ParentItemNo

    from BOM B

    inner join MstrTable cte

    on cte.compitemno = B.ItemNo

    Inner join ItemCost

    on B.CompItemNo = ItemCost.ItemNo



    sum(QtyCost) as TotalCostOfBOM

    from MstrTable

    where CompITemNo not in (

    Select Distinct ItemNo from BOM


    There may be a way to eliminate these Parent rows directly from the CTE results. If anyone know of a way, please post it here.

    I couldn't find a place for search tags, so I added the line below.

    Costed Bill Of Material, Costed BOM, Bill Of Material Costing, BOM Costing

    I'm confused on the costs you display, particularly for the subparts for the Parent 2 item. I can see where the 360 for Item3, but I don't see how you can get 400 for Item 4.

  • Assuming the item name can indicate a leaf level part... might this be what you are looking for

    with MstrTable as (


    , 1 as [level]


    whereBOM.CompItemno = 'Parent1'



    , MstrTable.[LEVEL]+1

    fromBOM B


    joinMstrTable on mstrtable.compitemno = B.ItemNo




    b.QtyPerParent as Qty,

    b.QtyPerParent *c.Cost as TotalSum

    frommstrtableas m

    inner join itemCost as con c.itemNo = m.CompItemNo

    inner join bomas bon b.compItemNo= m.CompItemNo

    WHEREm.compItemNo like 'item%'


  • To calculate total cost of conponents for the item (not including cost of the item itself) try

    - test data







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ItemCost](

    [ItemNo] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [Cost] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BOM](

    [ItemNo] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [CompItemNo] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [QtyPerParent] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    Insert into BOM(ItemNo,CompItemNo,QtyPerParent) values ('Parent1','Item1',1)






    Insert into ItemCost (ItemNo,Cost) values('Parent1',790)





    Select B.ItemNo,B.Compitemno,B.qtyperparent,i.cost,

    B.qtyperparent * i.cost as QtyCost

    from BOM B

    Inner join ItemCost i

    on B.CompItemNo = i.ItemNo

    - query

    with MstrTable as (

    Select b.Compitemno

    ,b.qtyperparent as qtyperMaster

    ,b.qtyperparent*ItemCost.Cost as CompsCost

    ,b.Itemno as ParentItemNo -- just to mark last part of the path

    ,b.itemno as TopItem

    from BOM b

    inner join ItemCost on b.Compitemno = ItemCost.ItemNo

    union all

    Select B.Compitemno, MstrTable.qtyperMaster*B.qtyperparent qtyperMaster

    , MstrTable.qtyperMaster * B.qtyperparent * ItemCost.cost as CompsCost

    , MstrTable.compitemno as ParentItemNo

    , MstrTable.TopItem

    from BOM B

    inner join MstrTable on mstrtable.compitemno = B.ItemNo

    Inner join ItemCost on B.CompItemNo = ItemCost.ItemNo


    select TopItem as Item, sum(CompsCost) as TotalComponentCost

    from MstrTable

    group by TopItem

  • Lynn,

    You are correct. My posted data is incorrect. Please see below.

    MMartin1 and Serg-52, Thank you and I will review your comments more closely this evening.



  • mpdillon (11/18/2014)


    You are correct. My posted data is incorrect. Please see below.

    MMartin1 and Serg-52, Thank you and I will review your comments more closely this evening.



    Still looks the same as that posted earlier. Still no help on how these values are being calculated. What, we need to guess at the calculations?

  • Lynn,

    There is still an error. Notice line 2 and Line 5 are both Item 2. Yet the grid shows a different per item cost $20 and $40, respectively. Line 5 individual cost should show $ 20. With that:

  • mpdillon (11/18/2014)


    There is still an error. Notice line 2 and Line 5 are both Item 2. Yet the grid shows a different per item cost $20 and $40, respectively. Line 5 individual cost should show $ 20. With that:

    Now that helps.

  • CELKO (11/18/2014)

    Google around for the nested sets model for hierarchies. It is a lot faster and easier than your adjacency list model.

    Here are two article right here on ssc:

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