How to be notified when a specific value is inserted into a column in a table

  • I want to be notified by mail when a specific value is inserted into a column in a table.

    For example when a row with number 1 in the "number" column is inserted to a table or a row is updated to number 1 in the "number" column.

  • Hi there..did u try TRIGGERS?

  • and for you request, look at Example B in the link i provided...

    Excerpts from MSDN link

    B. Using a DML trigger with a reminder e-mail message

    The following example sends an e-mail message to a specified person (MaryM) when the Customer table changes.

    USE AdventureWorks2008R2;


    IF OBJECT_ID ('Sales.reminder2','TR') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TRIGGER Sales.reminder2;


    CREATE TRIGGER reminder2

    ON Sales.Customer



    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'AdventureWorks2008R2 Administrator',

    @recipients = '',

    @body = 'Don''t forget to print a report for the sales force.',

    @subject = 'Reminder';


  • Thank you Ten.

    It works fine.

    I´m not a good programmer, so how will I do if I just want a message when, for example, a number 1 is inserted in a spesific column?

  • Thre will be 2 invisible magic tables inside a trigger, INSERTED and DELETED..

    if a value is inserted into the table where the trigger is written upon, a row will be inserted into the INSERTED table.. You can query the INSERTED like your normal tables..


    IF a value is updated, then an entry with the new set of values will be present in INSERTED and the old row whose values are updated will be inserted into the DELETED table. Again, use DELETED table like INSERTED table..



    Please read through the link i posted.. there will lot of examples that shows the operations that TRIGGERs do..

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi Erik

    I know you are not blocked any more with request but can you please elaborate on why you want to do this?

    Can you also please answer the following

    - What is the type of the table in question ? ( is it a transaction or Master table)

    What is the role of this table from a application perspective?

    -What is the frequency of this table been inserted or updated with data?

    o If the table is frequently inserted or updated; a trigger should not be the way forward.

    o It’s better to have a asynchronous approach in identifying the inserted and the updated data

    ?The transactions will be slower with a trigger implementation

    -How soon do you want to be notified of the insert or update( of the specific values) ?

    o If the table is frequently inserted or updated; you will get plenty of emails notifying you of the value change

  • Our system print errorcods in a table and I want a mail when we get this errorcods in the database

    It is a user database and a user table holding errorcods

    We hope that the frequency of this table been inserted or updated with data is not so often

    -How soon do you want to be notified of the insert or update.

    Answer As soon as possible.

    This is what I have to work with I'am only the DBA and our developers want do be notified when the errorcods comming up in the database.

  • Thanks for the extra information

    I’m not a great fan of triggers 🙂 , I’d suggest to schedule a job and send the email as part of the job.

    There will be more work on implementing this approach and is somewhat asynchronous. And I strongly believe sending emails as part of a transaction is not beneficial( with the trigger approach).

    Hope you have identity column on this table ( it will be needed if you plan to proceed with this approach)

  • I'd also recommend that you use a job and check periodically for these values. If there is an error, you could easily get overwhelmed with mail messages.

  • Thank you all for your replays I have now solved it on both ways

    Trigger way

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[reminder2]

    ON [dbo].[my_table]



    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inserted WHERE my_column = 'XX') = 1

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'My mail Mail Profile',

    @recipients = 'My mail@',

    @body = 'Database updated',

    @subject = 'Database uppdated';

    The SQL job way

    IF (SELECT count (*) FROM my_table WHERE my_column = 'XX') > 1

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'My Mail Profile',

    @recipients = 'My mail@',

    @query = 'SELECT * FROM my_table

    WHERE my_column = ''XX''' ,

    @subject = 'Database updated',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;

  • Erik,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inserted WHERE my_column = 'XX') = 1

    You could have > 1 row in the inserted table. It might be better to change this to:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted WHERE my_column = 'XX)

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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