how to apply SP 2

  • Hi,

    I one of our prod servers we there were two instances (like default & Named) we applied sqlserver 2008R2 sp2 on default instance now we are planning to apply sp2 on named instance.

    Please give some points before & after for applying service pack2 of sqlserver 2008R2

    Thanks in advance

  • Just the same way as for the default instance. Have you encountered an error message, or something?

  • No issue for default instance

    So we are planning for Named instance.

    Please let me know the procedure to apply sqlserver 2008R2SP2 for Named instance

    if you know any known issues please post.

    Thanks in advance

  • Just do it the same way you did the default instance!

    I know, why don't you tell us what you did and we can comment- or is this in fact a research post for homework or something?

  • The single most important piece of advice I can give you is to test it on a test system before doing it in production.

    The first reason is a trust issue. You don't want to put your production data at risk by installing something that you haven't tested. SQL 2005 SP4 installation failed for me and left my SQL Server useless. Thank goodness I did it in test and not production. If you're not slightly paranoid about installing patches, you're not thinking it through enough.

    The second reason is that you don't want your first time installing something to be on your production database. By the time you get there, you should have already practiced and know what you're doing. You should not be keeping your production server busy while you search the internet for what to click next. It's just like don't want your first restore to be in production while a database is dead.

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