How to Access the database off the network

  • I have Access database linked with sqlserver. Rightnow users have to input login info in order to login into the database. Some of field technican want to take this Access database into field in order to look the information. What to do in order to access the database without prompting login info.

    Thanks in advance

  • I am not sure you want that, but if All you do is query linked tables then:

    1.Delete the existing links

    2.Goto File --> Get ExternalData -->LinkTables

    3. Select ODBC DataSources on The Files Of Types option and Point it to your DSN

    4. Select the Tables / Views AND CHECK THE SAVE PASSWORD check box

    5.Go to town

    * Noel

  • Hi Noeld!

    I want technician to access the database when there are in network. I want to see database locally without sqlserver prompting.

  • Do you use NT authentication in your DSN setting? If not, try that.

  • Hi Allen,

    I'm using sqlserver authenciation. I want to know how to access the database when technicians are in the field and login locally without conncecting to network or domain.

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