How Much RAM is your Resrcmon.exe using

  • I have a clustered SQL 2000 on Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

    I just started having some performance problems and quick and dirty check of my task manager shows that Resrcmon.exe (which is the Cluster Resource Monitor) is using about 700 MB of RAM.

    This seems excessive to me. I'm thinking that I have a leaky app somewhere in here.

    For comparison sake how much RAM is your Resrcmon.exe using?


  • Its between 3-5 MB.


  • 4Mb

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Between 1-3MB on four different Win2K\SQL2K clusters.

  • Hi,

    I've just found that we have the same problem.  The resrcmon.exe is using over 700Mb memory on our Win2K\SQL2k cluster.  Did anyone find out why?


  • No reason was ever found.

    However, moving the group to the secondary node and rebooting the primary node, and moving the groups back resolved the issue.

  • Do you mind to tell me if your SQL server is hosting Siebel DB?

    We have two Siebel DB SQL clusters doing the same thing.


  • Nope.

    I don't have anything fancy. 2 Node Active Passive cluster with a shared SCSI Array. Running a single custom database.

  • Hi guys.

    I have the same problem in a SAP environment, with two nodes active/active, application and database server. The application server node has more than 1 GB of RAM used by the process Resrcmon.exe. I'm going to reboot both the nodes this weekend due to maintenance activity. I didn't find any troubleshooting.

  • I took a look to the other 7 Microsoft cluster environments and I confirm that the process is using 3/5 MB of RAM.


  • My MS cluster uses about 1GB on Node1 only, the problem seems to resolve after a reboot, en slowly comes back in about 2/3 weeks.

    the source seems to be a script starting the web services.

    but i've not been able to verfy that.

    anyone with a solution ??

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