How many rows will be returned?

  • Excellent question, Subhash. It's good to cover a topic which, based upon the comments so far, confuses some people. Not everyone uses triggers on a regular basis (I know I don't), so some people will have some incorrect assumptions in their minds based upon their interpretation of what they have read and not upon direct experience.

  • Thanks for the question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thanks for the question. I don't use triggers day to day so this was a nice learning experience.

    Everything is awesome!

  • I have a question about this. If the trigger executes once even if no rows are inserted, what happens if 5 rows are inserted at a time. Does it execute once for the insert or 5 times (once for each row inserted)?

  • marcia.j.wilson (9/23/2014)

    I have a question about this. If the trigger executes once even if no rows are inserted, what happens if 5 rows are inserted at a time. Does it execute once for the insert or 5 times (once for each row inserted)?

    Triggers in sql server fire ONCE per operation. This is why in triggers we need to utilize the inserted and deleted virtual tables and avoid scalar variables. Trigger code needs to be set based.


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  • Sean Lange (9/23/2014)

    marcia.j.wilson (9/23/2014)

    I have a question about this. If the trigger executes once even if no rows are inserted, what happens if 5 rows are inserted at a time. Does it execute once for the insert or 5 times (once for each row inserted)?

    Triggers in sql server fire ONCE per operation. This is why in triggers we need to utilize the inserted and deleted virtual tables and avoid scalar variables. Trigger code needs to be set based.


  • I haven't worked with triggers in a while and wondered why someone would create a trigger without utilizing the inserted and deleted virtual tables. I guess someone needs that functionality?

    Aigle de Guerre!

  • I had seen this same behavior firsthand when I was testing out some triggers before I utilized the inserted table values to limit how the trigger fired. A good question about a topic that can be a bit confusing. Thank you Subhash.

  • Meow Now (9/23/2014)

    I haven't worked with triggers in a while and wondered why someone would create a trigger without utilizing the inserted and deleted virtual tables. I guess someone needs that functionality?

    Maybe somebody only wants to track the number of insert statements being executed and isn't concerned with the number of rows. Not sure how useful it would be but nice to know the flexibility is there for this type of thing.


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  • Good to now that, agree with most of you here, it`s a good question.

  • Good explanation. Thanks


  • This is a great example of a QOTD describing a "gotcha". If anyone knows any others which they discovered or just know about then I, for one, would appreciate it.

    So thanks Subhash!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Carlo Romagnano (9/23/2014)

    Triggers on tables execute only if at least ONE row is affected. So, explanation is wrong.

    Select code from question




    Insert foot into mouth and chew.

    Sorry, Carlo, but you are mistaken. Triggers fire once per executed DML statement, regardless of number of rows affected - even if it's zero.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Gary Varga (9/24/2014)

    This is a great example of a QOTD describing a "gotcha". If anyone knows any others which they discovered or just know about then I, for one, would appreciate it.

    So thanks Subhash!!!

    I would not call this a "gotcha".

    Triggers are designed to fire once per execution of the DML statement. Regardless of the number of rows affected. Since all affected rows are available in the inserted and/or deleted pseudo-tables, it is very easy to determine how many rows were actually affected.

    Oracle has syntax to specify whether a trigger should fire once per statement execution or once per affected row. SQL Server offers only the first option.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • Hugo Kornelis (9/24/2014)

    Gary Varga (9/24/2014)

    This is a great example of a QOTD describing a "gotcha". If anyone knows any others which they discovered or just know about then I, for one, would appreciate it.

    So thanks Subhash!!!

    I would not call this a "gotcha".

    Triggers are designed to fire once per execution of the DML statement. Regardless of the number of rows affected. Since all affected rows are available in the inserted and/or deleted pseudo-tables, it is very easy to determine how many rows were actually affected.

    Oracle has syntax to specify whether a trigger should fire once per statement execution or once per affected row. SQL Server offers only the first option.

    I called it that because it is not totally intuitive hence a good number of knowledgeable people did not know this. It is also the sort of behavior that could show itself only rarely in a system an thus be an elusive defect.

    BTW I got this correct so I am not complaining about the question at all (which I thought was rather good).


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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