How many rows are returned from the query below?

  • james-887814 (3/3/2010)

    I think sometimes people complain just to complain.

    Maybe we can set up two threads for every question - one for learning one for whining?

    Assumption 1: I am using a version released within the past 5 years even though the production database I use is SQL 2000. I know there are a lot of SQL 2000 users out there, but unless the question states to use 10-year-old technology I am going to assume it is using something more current.

    Assumption 2: The query is looking for a table - the question is not trying to show that if you reference a nonexistent table you will get an error. If you have to learn that then you may not deserve to get this "advanced" question correct.

    Assumption 3: I have more than one user in a "users" table. If I only had one user I would be better off writing the user's info on a sticky note and not spending the effort on SQL.

    Assumption 4: These questions are tools for learning. Thoughtful discussion promotes learning. Whining does not. If you want to post that it does not work on all versions that would be great useful info. But everybody who got it wrong does not have to try using the version card to get points awarded.

    Assumption 5: Nobody cares about how many points you have and it will not make anybody like you any more. If you can give relevant helpful advice in the forums you will gain respect of your piers.

    If there was Karma on here, you should get it for this!!

    Would be a big fan of the whining being in a separate thread!

  • Toreador (3/3/2010)

    garret06 (3/3/2010)

    Ok, I got it wrong. But, what color is the duck?

    Seriously, I need to know.


    I'm not sure. But I do know that one of its legs is both the same.

    Hope this helps.

    So what you're saying is that I should be able to get my answer by doing?

    SELECT D.Color FROM Duck D WHERE Left_Leg = Right_Leg;

    I would probably be safer in my duck color gathering if I created a stored procedure and passed the leg in as a parameter. Now, I'll just need to determine the data type of the leg and I think I'll be set.

  • Chad Crawford (3/3/2010)

    I have no problem with the question - I think the assumptions that needed to be made although not clear, were reasonable.

    I do have a question about the answer though, if anyone would mind helping me. It states: "with same row value used for both rows of the table Users."

    It sounds like the result should be the same row returned twice, but I don't see how that is enforced (no order by and it's a cross join so no join criteria). When I ran the query against an existing table, I did in fact get two different rows returned. Did I misunderstand the answer, or am I missing some construct?



    The complete results from the tblusers (lets assume 2 x users) are cross joined against the results from the CTE (which only selects 1 row from tblusers using top 1) you therefore get 2 x rows returned from the tblusers (using my assumption) each joined with the 1 row selected from the CTE - Users table.

    Therefore the 1st two columns (tblusers) return unique results by row whereas the second two colums (users CTE) return the same results twice by row.



    Hope this makes sense.

  • I think that this was an OK QoD, maybe a bit too easy to deduce the correct answer, but not every question of the day has to be complex. On the other hand one must make few assumptions before figuring the answer. Though the assumption are reasonable, it still would be better if the conditions were disclosed. Something like this in the notes after the query: Assume that your server is SQL Server 2005 and your database has a table named tblUsers, which has many records (horrendous name though :hehe:, violates just about every reasonable naming convention).

    Then there would be no ambiguity about the correct answer.


  • I think sometimes we are guilty of over analyzing a problem. Questions such as "How many rows are currently contained in tblUsers?" leads to a judgement that the question is flawed. I too noticed that if tblUsers contained 0 or 1 rows, the results would be different. But the reasonable assumption is that a table of users in a production database contains more than 1 user and given that, the results will always be two rows.

    Sometimes a question is just a simple question with something to learn.

    Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, since 1955.
  • bitbucket-25253 (3/3/2010)


    Your reputation is now properly in the gutter.

    Remember that this should be a group of professionals, and trash talk is not appropriate, nor appreciated by those of us who are professionals.


    I got an error. There is no script for table creation and data. How can we come to any conclusion.

    Answer: By thinking.

    Fatal Exception Error

    I think part of his point is that versions were not specified which is fairly important.

    Disagree. If you are attempting to be a database developer or a DBA you should be familiar with the features / limitations of each version of SQL Server that you might have the good fortune to work with.

    Remember the object of the QOD is to teach or test each individuals knowledge of various aspect of SQL. So even if you answered the question incorrectly remember you did learn something.

    So all told a good question of the day

    Ron makes some very good points here - I agree.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Lynn Pettis (3/3/2010)

    I don't agree that the question was poorly written, just poorly read.

    First, it is obvious that this question was directed to SQL Server 2005/2008 because of the CTE. CTE's were introduced in SQL Server 2005.

    Second, it doesn't matter how many rows are in the table tblUsers (unless it only contained one row, but everyone so far has assumed more than one), this query will ALWAYS return two rows. The CTE selects exactly ONE row (SELECT TOP 1) and the following select (SELECT TOP 2) returns exactly TWO rows. The cartesian product that results is therefore TWO ROWS.

    The fact that you don't have the table tblUsers on your system where you attempted to run the query DOES NOT make this question bad or wrong, nor entitle you to get your points back.

    Reread the question and think it through logically, piece by piece.

    Well said.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Chris Houghton (3/3/2010)

    I'm of the opinion that it should be clear exactly what the question is testing for. If the author had specified SQL Server 2005 or 2008 and created a temp #tblusers then referenced it within the query it would have dispensed with the ambiguity and the resultant negative comments. Since this would have required only a few more seconds work on the authors part and given the traditional criticism of incomplete, ambiguous or misleading questions on this board, I cannot see why this wasn't done.

    I don't believe any need to state that this was 2005 or 2008 is necessary. CTE's were new with 2005 and unavailable in 2000.

    It could have been less contested if a temptable was created - true. I think a fair assumption though was that a Users table will generally have more than 1 user.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Chad Crawford (3/3/2010)

    I have no problem with the question - I think the assumptions that needed to be made although not clear, were reasonable.

    I do have a question about the answer though, if anyone would mind helping me. It states: "with same row value used for both rows of the table Users."

    It sounds like the result should be the same row returned twice, but I don't see how that is enforced (no order by and it's a cross join so no join criteria). When I ran the query against an existing table, I did in fact get two different rows returned. Did I misunderstand the answer, or am I missing some construct?



    I think he just means that the row values from tblusers will be used, but will show the rowid from the cte in subsequent columns.

    Edit: And now reading the thread further, I see that Chris Houghton has explained it better.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • tmacs33 (3/3/2010)

    Forum Moderator, as a side note, I REALLY liked a question a few days ago that was a .jpg so users couldn't copy and paste the response. That method at least makes a user think rather than copy and paste for an answer.

    I liked that question too. It seems helpful with script related questions. It is up to the submitter to submit scripts in pic format.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • Someone asked five pages back what the point of the question was. I think it was to demonstrate two concepts: a Common Table Expression (CTE) and a cross join using the simple syntax of concatenating tables (or table-equivalents) in the FROM clause.

    This last bit is probably the more important of the two as it reminds us that the older syntax is still supported and, if ignored, may produce results not expected.

    I've been so used to coding a join with the explicit operators JOIN and ON that I had to slow down and consider what would happen here with its implied join and no WHERE clause.

  • I am on the 'poor question' side of this debate. Yes, read the code, make assumptions, and you get the right answer (not convinced its worth 2 points, as it only takes 5 seconds & no thinking to get the right answer). But a good question should not require assumptions. I'd love to see the court case if this was in your degree finals! All 4 answers possible, given different assumptions...

    If this was on a MS or Sun exam, the answer would be error...

  • antony-688446 (3/3/2010)

    I am on the 'poor question' side of this debate. Yes, read the code, make assumptions, and you get the right answer (not convinced its worth 2 points, as it only takes 5 seconds & no thinking to get the right answer). But a good question should not require assumptions. I'd love to see the court case if this was in your degree finals! All 4 answers possible, given different assumptions...

    If this was on a MS or Sun exam, the answer would be error...

    This isn't a MS or Sun exam, it is a simple QotD which is meant to test your knowledge. If that means making some basic assumptions, then that's what you have to do.

  • Agree that QOTD is supposed to be fun & educational, and not taken seriously, but should also be clear & unambiguous. After all, assumption is the Mother & Father of all stuff ups. Why test peoples assumptions? Why not just add one line 'Assume tbleUsers exists, and has multiple rows'? Would then save 6 pages of discussion 🙂

  • How about we put so much detail in the question that there is one and only one correct answer? Our work requires us to make assumptions all the time. Some times we are right and some times wrong. For QotD, having to make some basic assumptions is not that difficult.

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