How Do You Work?

  • Steve wrote: "gambling/pornography and other potentially offensive topics I'd be ok with it"

    That is my position as well. The more you take away, the more you tell me I can't be trusted. The more you tell me I can't be trusted, the less motivated I am to work for you.

  • Is it likely anyone would answer this post were they working at one of these locked down companies?

    Also, turning off the internet does not make unproductive or useless people productive... firing them might.

  • There is actually some legal issues involved in locking down internet access.  Since the legal system allows for search warrants of company browsing activities, if you have an employee using their company provided internet access to conduct an illegal act against someone outside the organization, the company can potentially be held liable for failing to lock down that access that allowed that mis-behaving employee to do the illegal activity.

    Unfortunately, a few miscreants have once again spoiled things for the majority of well behaving adults.



  • One of my tasks every 6 months is to run a profanity check on our data!

    I love it to bits cos I get to find out all the new swear words and insults of the time... Im not at school anymore and so these new ones are missed out.

    Quite frankly I couldn't do that without the internet. And then what about coming to these forums to discuss issues that maybe outside our own expertise and outside that of the department.

    I can't think of what it was like to be working during the time the internet was just a pipedream.

    I have to add a lot of the research I do for my job is done through the interent.



    • Do I gamble ? NO.
    • Do I view porn ? NO.
    • Do I watch movies ? NO.
    • Do I listen to streaming music ? NO.
    • Do I user external email at work ? NO.
    • Do I IM or chat at work ? NO.
    • Do I do minor personal business online at work? YES.
    • Do I do major work activites in my off-time ? YES.

    I've worked at places that range from 'Dodge City' (absolute freedom to surf anything) to 'draconian' - even onto environs that are truly 'despotic' when it comes to internet access. The only affect it has is on my 'productivity'. Have I stayed at 'draconian' or 'despotic' places ? Yes. Just long enough to make a choice and move on for the better.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I am in favor of No personal internet at work, but it is imperative to have unlimited access to Google and other engines in order to research problems. I could not do my job properly without the ability to search. I simply do not have time to check my personal email, check the news, etc. If the honor system does not work, then block if you must, but keep the search engines available.

  • I would not want to work at a tight-a$$ed company that severely limited Internet access. If I did, they would get exactly zero cycles from my brain after 5 pm. and I'd be looking for another job anyway.

    The policy at my current workplace is that Internet access for personal business is OK as long as it only uses a "trivial amount" of resources and doesn't interfere with productivity. No personal audio or video streaming or porn etc. I'm totally OK with the policy.

    Like most I.T. pros, I often do work (problem-solving, on-call support, call-in's, work-related travel) on my "personal time" so it all balances out in the long run.

    I do good work for my company and having the ability to do personal business on the Internet allows me to manage my time much better and everybody's happy so far. If the company decides to screw with that then it's going to hurt them more than it will me.

    - Martin

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