How do you restrict the SQL DTS Error log file?

  • Currently an error log file is being sent through SQL Mail if there is an error in the DTS Package, and it is growing out of control.

    How do you restrict the SQL DTS Error log file to hold data for only the last so many days?

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • I don't think there is a way to do it in SQL Server.  We had to creat a batch file that moves the logs into a separate folder periodically, it runs as a scheduled NT task.

  • At first I wasn't sure whether it would create the file with the same name. So, I moved the file manually and ran the job. It did create the file on the fly, but it didn't send me the email at all.

    When I opened the file, I saw the following error message, which kinda makes sense:

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSSendMailTask_1' failed

    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Step Error Description:Error sending mail: MAPI error: Could not open attached file.

    I ran the job again, and then it worked fine. My question is how do we avoid the first time run not sending the error file? Also, what script did you use for moving the file?

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