How do I set up scripts to run daily?

  • How do I set up SSIS to run my scripts every day?

  • Short answer: sql agent.

    Are you running SSIS packages or are you trying to run SQL scripts from SSIS?

  • I am trying to run sql scripts from SSIS.

  • I believe you can use sql agent job to execute one line cmd prompt script to execute the SSIS package.

    for that you need to specify

    To execute an SSIS package saved to the File System folder in the SSIS Package Store, use the following code:

    dtexec /dts "\File System\MyPackage"

    To execute an SSIS package that is saved in the file system, use the following code:

    dtexec /f "c:\pkgOne.dtsx"

    this is in the following link:-

    try to put above code in job step and run

  • nwinningham (11/13/2008)

    I am trying to run sql scripts from SSIS.

    Is this to be a scheduled repeatable job? If so the simplest way is to use the ssms to create a new job to run the ssis package.

    New Job --> Steps --> New --> Select type as 'SQL Server Integration Service Package'

    You then get a whole bunch of tabs with which to select the package (from disk or msdb).

    Have a nice weekend. 🙂

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • When I clicked on new job I did not see integration services. I have scheduled my scripts to run daily, but I am not sure if I did it correctly since I did not click on integration services.


  • When you create a new job, you add steps to it. When you click on 'new step', you'll have the option to make the step type 'SQL Server Integration Services Package'. Then fill in the required info about the package.


  • I now see where I click on integration packages.


  • How can I saved my scripts as SSIS packages? This is my first time using SSIS.

  • first you create the package by BI console.

    1) go to SQL Server Bussiness Intelligence Development Studion under Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    2) go to File --> New --> Project

    3) select "Integration Service Project" under Templates pane

    4) specify the path and name of package and click "OK"

    5) SSIS package designer form will be opened.

    6) drag whatever controls you want to designer, make sure it work properly and save the package.

    7) connect to Integration service of SQL server and go to

    Stored Packages --> File System

    8) right click on File System, click on "Import Package"

    9) choose "File System" in Package location field, specify file name of your SSIS package (should be .dtsx), put a new name and click "OK"

    10) the package will be in your File System

    11) now connect to Database Engine service and add the following code in your SQL job:-

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /dts "\File System\ "'

  • why not just run the scripts through a sql job, no need to use SSIS


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks for the information. I will try it and see what happens.

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