How do i Set Password Expiration days for a SQL Login

  • Hi,

    I am creating a Login in code while Installation. I have a requirement now that Login should have Password expiration policy. How do i set this? Please help.



  • It is taken from the local security policy, which by default will be taken from the settings on the DC. You dont actually set these values within SQL.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your response. Can you please tell me what is this DC....

  • The domain controller (assuming you are running on a windows domain) - ask your network admin what the settings are.

  • Hi,

    I need to apply the Expiration policy for SQL Logins. Network domain anyway will maintain windows expiration policy i understand.

    My query is can we define expiration days/intervals for Sql Logins.

  • haichells (12/21/2007)


    I need to apply the Expiration policy for SQL Logins. Network domain anyway will maintain windows expiration policy i understand.

    My query is can we define expiration days/intervals for Sql Logins.

    Yes you can, but it still takes the settings from the security policy. You cant set anything in sql (as far as i know) that will change the expiration periods of sql logins.

  • Animal Magic (12/21/2007)

    It is taken from the local security policy, which by default will be taken from the settings on the DC. You dont actually set these values within SQL.

    You're correct in saying it's defined in the local security policy. But you are wrong in saying that this policy is taken from the Domain Controller. SQL login are treated like local accounts and only the local policy applies to them. Domain policies can overrule local policies for Domain Users, but not for local accounts or SQL accounts.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • ps, search for password policy in BOL.

  • MarkusB (12/21/2007)

    Animal Magic (12/21/2007)

    It is taken from the local security policy, which by default will be taken from the settings on the DC. You dont actually set these values within SQL.

    You're correct in saying it's defined in the local security policy. But you are wrong in saying that this policy is taken from the Domain Controller. SQL login are treated like local accounts and only the local policy applies to them. Domain policies can overrule local policies for Domain Users, but not for local accounts or SQL accounts.

    Thanks for clearing that up Markus, i didnt realise at first that we were talking about sql logins only.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for all your response. Can you please let me know how to check the local security policy on sql server.

  • Hi! Does anybody know how I can get a notification that someone's password will expire in another n days? or to trigger an SP to take action n days before expiry? I'm assuming an SQL server login with Enforce Password Policy and Enforce Password Expiration. Thanks in advance ...

  • No need to cross post 🙂

  • @ mike

    /* users, locked or not, and days until expiration */

    use master;


    set nocount on;


    declare @loginname varchar(200);

    declare @logintbl table (

    LoginName varchar(20) ,

    IsLocked char(5) ,

    DaysUntilExpiration int);

    declare c_logins cursor


    select [name] from sys.syslogins

    where name in (

    select USERID from DYNAMICS..SY01400);

    open c_logins;

    fetch next from c_logins into @loginname;

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    insert @logintbl(LoginName, IsLocked, DaysUntilExpiration)



    ,case convert(smallint, LOGINPROPERTY(@loginname, 'IsLocked')) when 0 then 'No' when 1 then 'Yes' end

    ,convert(int, LOGINPROPERTY(@loginname, 'DaysUntilExpiration'));

    fetch next from c_logins into @loginname;


    close c_logins;

    deallocate c_logins;

    select * from @logintbl;


    set nocount off;


    Sushant Kumar

  • Thanks SKYBVI for your detailed answer! It's exactly what I needed. 🙂

  • Oops! I stand corrected :blush: and thanks, Oliiii, for the link toLOGINPROPERTY you provided me in the other thread.

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